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Brelok Do Kluczy Gra Papier Kamień Nożyce Różowy Kolorowy breloczek w kształcie jajka będzie świetnie pasował do plecaka lub torebki. Breloczek ma w sobie popularną grę "kamień, papier, nożyce", możesz zagrać w nią z rówieśnikami, wybrać kto wykonuje dane zadanie. To kultowa i ponadczasowa gra. Naciskając środkowy przycisk, wirujący środek pokaże Ci odpowiednią łapkę ze znakiem. Idealny gadżet do zabawy, zajmie czas w oczekiwaniu w kolejce do lekarza lub na transport. Na końcu łańcuszka znajduje się kółeczko do zapięcia i karabińczyk, dzięki czemu może zapiąć je nawet do trudno dostępnych miejsc. Dodatkowo na końcu też mamy dzwoneczek, który gdy tylko zaczniesz szukać kluczy da znać gdzie się znajdują. Wymiar zawieszki: 7 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm - długość łańcuszka z zapięciem 6 cm Wymiary opakowania: 14 cm x 11 cm x 7 cm Oryginalny brelok przeznaczony jest dla dzieci powyżej 3 roku życia. Zgodny z normą EN771 i certyfikatem CE.2,19 €
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2,19 €
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Które dziecko nie jest fanem zimowych szaleństw. Bez względu na wiek i stopień samodzielności każdemu z nich pojawia się szeroki uśmiech na twarzy, na widok szczelnie ośnieżonego wzniesienia. Ale czy tylko u dzieci? Firma POLESIE ma w swojej ofercie produkt, który zagwarantuje dobrą zabawę na śniegu. Wykonane z wysokiej jakości tworzywa posłużą użytkownikowi przez długi czas. Powierzchnia siedziska ma niewielkie tłoczenia, dzięki którym sanki zjadą z górki razem z nami, a nie my z sanek. Rączka jest duża, wygodna do trzymania. Wymiary: 30cm x 36cm2,94 €
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Świąteczna Choinka z Cekinami Dzwoneczek Ozdoba Na Choinkę Czas Świąt to magiczny czas, gdzie cały dom wygląda obłędnie i przytulnie. Każdy w swoim domu chce stworzyć przytulny kącik do spędzania czasu z rodziną. Każdy element jest wtedy ważny, a najlepiej, aby odnosił się do panujących wtedy świąt Bożego Narodzenia. Przedstawiamy gwiazdkę, która może stanowić także opakowanie dla prezentu znajdującego się w środku. Ozdoba ma sznureczek z dzwoneczkiem na końcu. Sznureczek zamontowany w niej daje możliwość także zawieszenia na choince. Bombka przedstawia piękną choinkę z kolorowymi cekinami. Sprawmy, by ten czas był wyjątkowy w każdym aspekcie! Wymiary zawieszka: 16 cm x 11 cm x 3 cm Wymiary opakowania: 15 cm x 12 cm x 4 cm Dla dzieci powyżej 3 roku życia. Zabawka z normą EN71 i certyfkatem CE.2,94 €
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Które dziecko nie jest fanem zimowych szaleństw. Bez względu na wiek i stopień samodzielności każdemu z nich pojawia się szeroki uśmiech na twarzy, na widok szczelnie ośnieżonego wzniesienia. Ale czy tylko u dzieci? Firma POLESIE ma w swojej ofercie produkt, który zagwarantuje dobrą zabawę na śniegu.Wykonane z wysokiej jakości tworzywa posłużą użytkownikowi przez długi czas. Powierzchnia siedziska ma niewielkie tłoczenia, dzięki którym sanki zjadą z górki razem z nami, a nie my z sanek. Rączka jest duża, wygodna do trzymania. Wymiary: 58cm x 35cm5,16 €
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Zestaw Wykopaliska Skorupy Muszle Trzy Modele Niespodzianka Dociekliwość i chęć poznawania przeszłości to cechy dziecka? Interesuje się archeologią? Nad morzem uwielbia zbierać muszelki? To właśnie to jest zabawka dla niego. Zestaw małego archeologa, odkryje skorupy mięczaków żyjących w wodzie. Taka muszla to pancerz dla ślimaków, który chronił ich miękką część ciała. Ta zabawka ma walor edukacyjny, nauczy się rozpoznawać która skorupa należała do poszczególnego mięczaka. W środku znajdują się trzy losowe muszle, spróbuj odkopać i odkryć, który to rodzaj. Ciekawe, na którą trafisz. Cała zabawa rozwinie precyzję malucha i zdolności manualne, poznasz wygląd muszli, a z wszystkich modeli możesz stworzyć kolekcję. Wykopaliska owiane tajemnicą. Na jaką muszle możesz trafić? Może być to muszla przegrzebka, zielonego ślimaka, turridae, ślimaka z czarnymi ustami, ślimaka o czerwonym zapachu. Ich podobizny znajdują się na opakowaniu, dlatego bez problemu go rozpoznasz. Elementy zestawu: - 3 muszle - 1 dłuto - pędzelek - młoteczek - gips - gąbeczka w kształcie dinozaura Wymiary gipsu: 10 cm x 8 cm x 3 cm Wymiary opakowania: 14 cm x 12 cm x 5 cm Przeznaczona dla dzieci powyżej 3 roku życia. Zgodna z normą EN71.5,54 €
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Zestaw DIY Do Malowania Świecące Sowy Gips Magnesy Rozwijanie kreatywności u małych dzieci jest szczególnie istotne w czasie, kiedy zaczynają się integrować z rówieśnikami. Wspólne prace plastyczne wpływają pozytywnie na relacje międzyludzkie oraz uczą dzieci kooperacji. Przedstawiamy zestaw DIY, dzięki któremu można stworzyć babeczki, a następnie je pomalować. Kolorowy zestaw do tworzenia magnesów na lodówkę to idealna rozrywka zarówno dla młodszych, jak i starszych. Za pomocą znajdującego się w zestawie gipsu można stworzyć przepiękne sowy. Zgaś światło, a będziesz mógł podziwiać świecące sowy. Pomalowane są farbami fluorescencyjnymi! Jak rozpocząć kreatywną zabawę? 1. Gips należy rozrobić z wodą zgodnie z informacjami podanymi w instrukcji, wypełnić nim przygotowane formy, a następnie odstawić do wyschnięcia. 2. Po wyschnięciu stworzonych kształtów można usunąć je z foremek 3. Dowolnie pomalować dołączonymi do zestawu kolorowymi farbkami. 4. Po zakończeniu ozdabiania do kształtów przyklej odpowiedniej długości magnes. Po wykonaniu wszystkich kroków magnesiki własnej produkcji są gotowe! Elementy zestawu to: - foremka z formami w kształcie sów -opakowanie z gipsem - zestaw 6 farbek - pędzelek - płaski, przyklejany magnes o wymiarach 15 cm x 2 cm - instrukcja obsługi zestawu Wymiary sowy: 4 cm x 4 cm x 2 cm Wymiary opakowania: 27 cm x 23 cm x 5 cm Zabawka przeznaczona dla dzieci powyżej 5 roku życia. Zgodne z certyfikatem CE i zgodne z normą EN71.5,91 €
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Które dziecko nie jest fanem zimowych szaleństw. Bez względu na wiek i stopień samodzielności każdemu z nich pojawia się szeroki uśmiech na twarzy, na widok szczelnie ośnieżonego wzniesienia. Ale czy tylko u dzieci? Firma POLESIE ma w swojej ofercie produkt, który zagwarantuje dobrą zabawę na śniegu.Wykonane z wysokiej jakości tworzywa posłużą użytkownikowi przez długi czas. Powierzchnia siedziska ma niewielkie tłoczenia, dzięki którym sanki zjadą z górki razem z nami, a nie my z sanek. Rączka jest duża, wygodna do trzymania. Wymiary: 51cm x 33cm6,28 €
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Latający Dysk Ufo Wyrzutnia Czerwony Latający dysk to świetna zabawka, która zachęci do spędzania czasu na świeżym powietrzu i aktywności fizycznej. Wraz z rodziną może rozpocząć zabawę w ogrodzie i cieszyć się pogodą. Idealne spędzanie wolnego czasu! Jak rozpocząć zabawę? Śmigło zamontuj na wyrzutni. Energicznie pociągnij za sznurek, co spowoduje wzniesienie się zabawki. Sprawdź tor lotu, ciekawe gdzie poleci. Zabawa, która wciąga ! Świetny gadżet dla osób w każdym wieku! Wymiary wyrzutni: 12 cm x 13 cm średnica wyrzutni: 26 cm Wymiary opakowania: 38 cm x 30 cm x 8 cm Zgodny z certyfikatem CE i zgodne z normą EN71. Przeznaczony dla dzieci powyżej 3 roku życia.6,65 €
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Plastic protective frame with PULUZ mount for Insta360 X4 Take care of the safety of your Insta360 X4 camera with the plastic protective frame with PULUZ mount. Made of high quality materials - it provides reliable protection, functionality and versatility. In addition, additional cold-shoe adapters and a 1/4-inch hole allow you to conveniently mount other accessories such as tripods, microphones and more. Rugged construction The PULUZ protective frame is made of high-quality PC plastic, which increases its durability and prevents scratches. This makes the accessory resistant to wear and tear and provides long-lasting protection for your camera. What's more, the product perfectly dissipates heat, preventing the device from overheating and shutting down - even when working in harsh conditions. Compatibility with additional accessories The PULUZ protective frame comes with a universal adapter and 1/4-inch screw base on the bottom, making it compatible with various accessories such as motorcycle mounts, selfie sticks, tripods and more. You'll also have cold-shoe mounts (on the top and sides), which allows you to mount backlight tubes and microphones without any problems. So you can easily expand your recording setup and customize it to your needs! Practical design and easy access Thanks to the side window, the PULUZ frame allows easy access to the battery, charging ports and memory card - without removing the camera. This is an extremely practical solution that allows for convenient and efficient use of the device. At the same time, the accessory is very easy to install - you do not need any additional tools for this. ManufacturerPULUZModelPU979BMaterialPCDimensions16.5 x 6 cmWeight39 gCompatibilityInsta360 X47,11 €
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Centralka HY2005RX-RM-24V DK-CA0017,76 €
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Zestaw Autek Resoraki Pojazdy Straż Pożarna Ambulans Autka to najlepsza frajda dla naszych dzieci! Każdy maluch uwielbia tworzyć swoje własne tory wyścigowe, a w tym przypadku wcielić się w rolę małego strażaka lub kierowcy ambulansu. W trakcie korzystanie maluch będzie mógł rozwijać swoją wyobraźnię. Pobudzi i zachęci go to do odkrywania otaczającego świata. W zestawie znajdują się 10 różnych pojazdów przedstawiających pojazdy służb ratowniczych. Wszystkie modele zostały wykonane z plastiku, na karoserii posiadają charakterystyczne naklejki sugerujące przeznaczenie pojazdu. Elementy zestawu: - helikopter staż pożarna i ambulans - 4 różne autka straży pożarnej - 4 różne autka ambulansu Wymiary auta: około 7cm x 3cm x 3cm Wymiary pudełka: 26cm x 19cm x 3cm Pojazd przeznaczony jest dla dzieci powyżej 3. roku życia. Zabawka posiada certyfikat CE i jest zgodna z normą EN 71. Pojazd zapakowany jest w pudełko z witrynką, które idealnie nadaje się na prezent dla dziecka.8,51 €
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Drążek kierowniczy JL19910,00 €
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Auto Sportowe Wyścigowe 1:16 Pomarańczowy Dźwięk Jeśli twoje dziecko lubi muzykę a do tego sportowe auta, to właśnie mamy idealne połączenie. Sprawi mu to dużo frajdy i na pewno szybko nie znudzi. Zapraszamy do świata niezapomnianych przygód za kierownicą naszego niesamowitego samochodu na skalę 1:16, w pomarańczowym kolorze, ozdobionego wyścigowymi naklejkami! Kiedy złapiesz ten miniaturkowy pojazd w ręce, poczujesz ekscytujący dreszczyk emocji, dzięki dźwiękowi odpalania silnika. Radosna i energiczna melodia sprawi, że Twoje serce zacznie bić w rytm muzyki. Odgłosy szybkiej jazdy przeniosą Cię w świat wyścigów. Produkt nowy, zapakowany w oryginalne opakowanie, pochodzi z ekspozycji.11,11 €
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Gens ace G-Tech Soaring 450mAh 11.1V 30C 3S1P Lipo Battery The Gens ace G-Tech Soaring LiPo Battery features a robust design and reliable performance, making it an ideal choice for RC enthusiasts looking for an efficient and easy-to-use power source. With a 450mAh capacity and 11.1V (3S) voltage, it provides excellent performance for smaller devices. The JST-SYP connector and JST-XH balancer plug allow for a safe and quick connection, while its weight of only 43 g and compact dimensions of 57 x 31 x 14 mm make the product extremely handy and easy to install in confined spaces, without affecting the balance or overall operation of the model. ManufacturerGens aceModelGEA4503S30JGTCapacity450 mAhVoltage11.1 V / 3SDischarge current30CConnector typeJST-SYPBalancer connector typeJST-XHWeight43 gDimensions57 x 31 x 14 mm11,18 €
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Auto Sportowe Policja 1:16 Biały Dźwięk Jeśli twoje dziecko lubi muzykę a do tego sportowe auta, to właśnie mamy idealne połączenie. Sprawi mu to dużo frajdy i na pewno szybko nie znudzi. Zapraszamy do świata niezapomnianych przygód za kierownicą naszego niesamowitego samochodu na skalę 1:16, w białym kolorze, ozdobionego policyjnymi naklejkami! Kiedy złapiesz ten pojazd w ręce, poczujesz ekscytujący dreszczyk emocji, dzięki dźwiękowi odpalania silnika. Sygnały syreny policyjnej sprawi, że maluch przeniesie się w świat policyjnych akcji. Odgłosy szybkiej jazdy ułatwią wyobrażenie Produkt nowy, zapakowany w oryginalne opakowanie, pochodzi z ekspozycji.11,48 €
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Gens ace G-Tech Soaring 1000mAh 11.1V 30C 3S1P Lipo Battery The Gens ace G-Tech Soaring Lipo Battery is the ideal solution for smaller 800mm class aircraft, where every gram counts and performance and reliability are needed. The product offers a capacity of 1,000 mAh and a voltage of 11.1 V (3S), which provides adequate power for small flying models. A discharge current of 30C guarantees optimal performance, and the recommended charging speed of 1-3C allows for quick and safe restoration of full power. In addition, the XT60 connector and JST-XHR balancer plug allow for quick connection, while the 89 g weight and 71.5 x 35 x 17 mm dimensions make the battery ideal for small designs where every inch of space matters. ManufacturerGens aceModelGEA103S30X6GTCapacity1000 mAhVoltage11.1 V / 3SDischarge current30CCharging speed1-3C (recommended)Connector typeXT60Balancer connector typeJST-XHRWeight89 gDimensions71.5 x 35 x 17 mmCable length (C/D)45 mm / 120 mm14,23 €
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Drążek kierowniczy XMX60314,81 €
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Gens ace G-Tech Lipo 800mah 7.4V 45C 2S1P Lipo Battery The Gens ace G-Tech LiPo battery is the ideal power source for RC models such as the 250 and Warbird 800mm helicopters. With a capacity of 800 mAh and 7.4V (2S), it offers the stable power needed for precision flying. The high 45C discharge current is ideal for models requiring fast and violent maneuvers. The JST-SYP connector and JST-XHR balancer plug make it easy to connect and manage, while the light weight of 50 g and compact dimensions of 55 x 30 x 16 mm allow for simple installation without affecting the overall aerodynamics of the model. ManufacturerGens aceModelGEA8002S45JGTCapacity800 mAhVoltage7.4 V / 2SDischarge current45CConnector typeJST-SYPBalancer connector typeJST-XHRWeight50 gDimensions55 x 30 x 16 mmCable length (C/D)45 mm / 120 mm15,25 €
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PULUZ horizontal mount for Insta360 X4 Increase the versatility of your Insta360 X4 camera with the PULUZ horizontal mount. Made of durable aluminum alloy and silicone - it provides a stable and secure mounting, making it ideal for dynamic footage and creative shots. Durable and lightweight construction The PULUZ mount is made of high-quality aluminum alloy, which ensures its light weight and durability. Thanks to its silicone parts, the accessory is also safe for the camera, protecting it from scratches and damage. This combination of materials ensures the reliability and longevity of the product. Versatility and compatibility The PULUZ Horizontal Mount offers both a 1/4-inch threaded hole and a foldable interface for GoPro. This makes it compatible with a wide range of accessories, such as tripods, mounts, selfie sticks and more, allowing you the flexibility to adapt your recording kit to different scenarios. The product can also be used in conjunction with a magnetic base (not included). Expanded recording capabilities The PULUZ horizontal mount allows you to discover new ways to record video footage. With it, you can easily experiment with different angles and filming techniques, allowing you to create unique and creative content. At the same time, the accessory is very easy to install and remove - now you can get ready to record in no time! ManufacturerPULUZModelPU982BMaterialAluminum alloy + siliconeDimensions7.85 x 4.7 x 2.1 cmCompatibilityInsta360 X416,76 €
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Gens ace G-Tech 400mAh 7.4V 2S1P 35C Lipo Battery with JST-PHR Plug-Bashing Series Connector The Gens ace G-Tech with JST-PHR Plug-Bashing Series Connector is ideal for beginning hobbyists and everyday use. With a capacity of 400 mAh and a voltage of 7.4 V, this lightweight and compact lithium-polymer battery offers a discharge rate of 35C for excellent performance and reliability. It is particularly suitable for the AXIAL SCX24 1:24 RC Car, where it provides optimal fit and performance. With a recommended charge of 1-3C, it can quickly and safely restore full power. In addition, thanks to its small size (42 x 19 x 12 mm) and weight (18 g), the battery is easy to install and ideal for smaller RC models. ManufacturerGens aceModelGEA4002S35JGTCapacity400 mAhCell typeLithium-polymerVoltage7.4 V / 2SDischarge coefficient35CCharge factor1-3C (recommended)ConnectorJST-PHR-2PBalancer connector typeG-Tech-3PCable length (C/D)25 mm / 50 mmDimensions42 x 19 x 12 mmWeight18 g17,28 €
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GensAce G-Tech LiPo 1600mAh 7.4V 45C 2S1P XT60 battery The GensAce G-Tech LiPo 1600mAh 7.4V 45C 2S1P XT60 battery features an optimal capacity of 1600 mAh and a voltage of 7.4V, which guarantees performance and reliability. Its 45C fast discharge capability allows it to deliver significant power in a short period of time, which is crucial for dynamically demanding applications such as drone racing and RC models. The battery's dimensions are 105 × 35 × 14 mm, and its weight reaches only 102 g, making it one of the more compact and lightweight batteries in its class, offering a perfect balance between size and power. ManufacturerGensAceModelGEA162S45X6GTCapacity1600mAhVoltage7.4V/2SDischarge rate45CWeight102 gSize105 × 35 × 14 mm17,28 €
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Gens ace G-Tech Soaring 1300mAh 11.1V 30C 3S1P Lipo Battery The Gens ace G-Tech Soaring Lipo Battery is designed to provide reliable and efficient power for a variety of RC models such as F-18 and F-22 Raptor airplanes and jets, as well as Parkmaster 3D and Airfield F15 Jet. It offers a capacity of 1,300 mAh, a voltage of 11.1V (3S) and a discharge current of 30C, so it can guarantee enough power for dynamic flying and advanced maneuvers. The XT60 connector and JST-XH balancer plug allow easy and secure connection to many available devices, while the 107 g weight and compact dimensions of 71.5 x 35 x 21 mm fit perfectly into smaller models, minimizing the impact on overall weight and flight behavior. ManufacturerGens aceModelGEA133S30X6GTCapacity1300 mAhVoltage11.1 V / 3SDischarge current30CConnector typeXT60Balancer connector typeJST-XHWeight107 gDimensions71.5 x 35 x 21 mmCable length (C/D)45 mm / 120 mm19,31 €
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Gens ace 1400mAh 7.4V 2S1P LiPo battery for JR plug-in transmitter With a 1400mAh capacity and 7.4V/2S voltage, the Gens Ace battery is the ideal power source for your RC transmitter. Its low discharge rate of just 1C makes it extremely safe and reliable. Equipped with a JST-XHR balancing connector and JR plug, it fits perfectly with RC transmitters such as Husban H501S, H502S, H107D, H107D+ and other models. Lightweight at only 57 grams, and compact at 76 x 30 x 13 mm, it is easy to install without putting undue strain on your device. ManufacturerGens AceModelGEA14002SRXJRCapacity1400mAhVoltage7.4V/2SDischarge rate1CWeight57 gDimensions76 x 30 x 13 mmCharging speedRecommended 0.2C, max 1C21,34 €
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QuicRun Brushed 540 40T The QuicRun Brushed 540 40T brush motor from manufacturer Hobbywing is a reliable drive unit designed for RC enthusiasts looking for stable performance. It operates at a rated voltage of 7.4V and a maximum voltage of 12.6V, providing flexibility in the choice of power source. It has 40 windings and three poles, reaching 10500 rpm at rated voltage for smooth operation and adequate power. It requires an ESC controller with a current range of 40-60A, ensuring safe and efficient power management. The compact dimensions (36 mm in diameter, 53 mm in case length) and a shaft with a diameter of 3.175 mm and a length of 16.5 mm make it easy to install in various models. The motor weighs about 168 g, making it a solid choice for space-constrained models while providing high performance. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW30404314Rated voltage7.4VMaximum voltage12.6VNumber of coils40Number of poles3Revolutions per minute at rated voltage10500ESC controller required40-60ADiameter36 mmHousing length53 mmShaft diameter3.175 mmFree shaft length16.5 mmWeight approx.168 g22,36 €
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Inteligentna Kostka Edukacyjny Sorter 2650 Zabawka przeznaczona dla dzieci powyżej 3 roku życia. Wymiary kostki: 21 cm × 21 cm × 21 cm Wymiary opakowania: 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm Waga opakowania: 0,5 kg22,63 €
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GRA STRZELECKA LEWITUJĄCE KULKI TARCZE + PISTOLET Oferujemy niezwykle emocjonującą grę strzelecką, która z pewnością dostarczy mnóstwo radości i wrażeń! Lewitujące kulki unoszą się dzięki przepływowi powietrza, a regulowana siła nadmuchu pozwala na dostosowanie wysokości lotu kulek, co czyni zabawę jeszcze bardziej interesującą. Dodatkowo, zestaw jest fluororescencyjny i świeci się w ciemności, co sprawia, że zabawa staje się jeszcze bardziej ekscytująca, szczególnie w nocy! Efekty dźwiękowe dodają realizmu i potęgują emocje podczas strzelania do celów. Stylowy zestaw: Zarówno pistolet, jak i podstawka pod cele są utrzymane w jednolitym, nowoczesnym stylu kolorystycznym. Miękkie strzałki oraz cele wykonane z bezpiecznego materiału zapewniają bezpieczeństwo i minimalizują ryzyko szkód. To doskonała rozrywka, która umożliwia swobodną komunikację w grupie rówieśników i daje upust dziecięcej energii. Zawartość zestawu: 2 x pistolet 1 x podstawa powietrzna 5 x strzałka piankowa 5 x kominów 10 kulek styropianowych 5 tarcz 5 naklejek na tarcze 1 kabel zasilający USB Specyfikacja: Zasilanie: 4 x bateria 1,5 V AA (brak w zestawie) Wymiary pistoletu: 13 x 15 x 4 cm Wymiary tarczy: szer. 33 x wys. 28 x dł. 7 cm Wymiary opakowania: 38 x 28 x 7 cm Tworzywo: plastik Uwaga: Produkt nieodpowiedni dla dzieci poniżej 3 roku życia. Zachęcamy do zakupu tej emocjonującej gry strzeleckiej, która zapewni wiele godzin niezapomnianej zabawy!22,63 €
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Zestaw Piękności Do Malowania Paznokci Motyl Zestaw, dzięki któremu każda młoda dama wykona swój pierwszy, samodzielny manicure. W pewnym momencie mała dziewczynka zaczyna interesować się swoim wyglądem to najwyższa pora na takie zestawy. Naklejki dodadzą oryginalności, a brokaty blasku. Malując i naklejając, rozwija precyzję i tworzy swój własny styl. Idealny zestaw na spotkanie z koleżankami. Wielokolorowy zestaw lakierów do paznokci i różnych, kolorowych naklejek. Klasyczne, wzorzyste i brokaty pozwolą Ci pomalować przepięknie paznokcie oraz szybko i bezinwazyjnie usunąć za pomocą zmywacza. Jak używać tych lakierów i innych akcesoriów? Po wyrównaniu długości i kształtu paznokci za pomocą pilnika w kształcie serduszka nałóż na paznokcie wybrany kolor. Kolejną czynnością jest wybór dodatków- mogą to być diamenicki,brokat,naklejki w różnych wzorach. Przyozdobienie zależy od Twojego dziecka. Drugą opcją jest naklejenie tipsów, można je przyozdobić naklejkami i brokatem. Po całej zabawie może schować swoje akcesoria do pudełeczka w kształcie motyla i zabrać ze sobą. Elementy zestawu piękności: - 3 lakiery do paznokci: żółty, bezbarwny, fioletowt - 3 sypkie brokaty: złoty, srebrny, niebieski - naklejki w różnych wzorach - paleta diamencików - separator do palców - pilnik w kształcie serca - 10 tipsów Wymiary paletki złożonej: 34 cm x 15 cm x 8 cm Wymiary paletki rozłożonej: 34 cm x 25 cm x 3 cm Wymiary opakowania: 39 cm x 35 cm x 9 cm Zestaw piękności wyprodukowany jest zgodnie z normą EN 71, oznaczono go również certyfikatem CE. Zestaw przeznaczony jest dla wszystkich małych księżniczek powyżej 3. roku życia.23,36 €
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FLYFUN - 20A V5 The FLYFUN - 20A V5 speed controller is a versatile device designed for both aircraft models and helicopters powered by alternating current (AC). Its constant current is 20A, and its maximum peak current reaches 30A, which guarantees reliable in-flight performance. The regulator is compatible with LiXX batteries (2-4 cells) and is equipped with a 5.2V, 2.5A current BEC, which allows stable power supply for on-board electronics. Its compact dimensions (25 mm long, 15 mm wide, 5 mm high) and light weight (13 g) make it ideal for installation in models with limited space. The FLYFUN - 20A V5 supports unidirectional control, has a brake function and is programmable, allowing customization of parameters. The lack of sensor inputs simplifies the design and operation. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW30202308ApplicationAircraft, HelicoptersTypeACConstant current20AMax peak current30ALiXX cells2-4BEC voltage5.2VBEC current2.5ALength25mmWidth15 mmHeight5 mmWeight13 gControlunidirectionalBrakeYesInputs for sensorsNoProgrammableTak23,89 €
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Skywalker-50A-UBEC V2 The Skywalker-50A-UBEC V2 speed controller is designed specifically for alternating current (AC) powered aircraft models. With a constant current of 50A and a maximum peak current of 70A, it provides reliable and efficient power under demanding conditions. Supports NiXX (8-12 cells) and LiXX (3-4 cells) batteries, allowing flexibility in power source selection. Equipped with a 5V, 5A BEC circuit, the Skywalker-50A-UBEC V2 efficiently powers on-board electronics. Its compact dimensions (60 mm long, 25 mm wide, 8 mm high) and low weight (36 g) make it easy to install in various aircraft models. The regulator offers unidirectional control, brake function and programmability, allowing customization of operating parameters. The lack of sensor inputs simplifies the design and operation of the device. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW80060442ApplicationAeroplanesTypeACConstant current50AMax peak current70ANiXX cells8-12LiXX cells3-4BEC voltage5VBEC current5ALength60 mmWidth25 mmHeight8 mmWeight36 gControlunidirectionalBrakeYesInputs for sensorsNoProgrammableTak25,41 €
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Gens ace G-Tech 700mAh 11.1V 60C 3S1P Lipo Battery Pack The Gens ace G-Tech LiPo battery pack, with 700mAh capacity and 11.1V (3S) voltage, is ideal for RC models like the OMPHOBBY M2 RC Helicopter and Mikado LOGO200. It offers a 60C discharge current, so it provides high performance for dynamic flying. It is also very lightweight (only 52 g), and its dimensions are only 58 x 22.5 x 23 mm - it will be perfect for limited space and will not be an excessive burden. In addition, the battery is equipped with an XT-30 connector and JST-XHR balancer plug, which guarantees easy charging and safe use. ManufacturerGens aceModelGEA7003S60XGTCapacity700 mAhVoltage11.1 V / 3SDischarge current60CConnector typeXT-30Balancer connector typeJST-XHRWeight52 gDimensions58 x 22.5 x 23 mmCable length (C/D)25 mm / 45 mm26,43 €
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PGYTECH P-GM-170 handlebar mount The PGYTECH P-GM-170 handlebar mount will allow you to create spectacular footage during motorcycle trips or bike tours. You can freely adjust its camera position in 2 levels of 360° and 180°, and thanks to its patented rotating structure, it provides not only stability but also security, allowing you to focus solely on recording. Unlimited perspectives Now you can experiment with different perspectives and create amazing shots without any limitations. With a ball mechanism and the ability to swivel in two directions, the mount provides full freedom of movement, allowing you to position the camera in any position. Wide compatibility The mount also includes special bushings of different diameters (6mm/8mm/10mm/12mm/14mm), making it compatible with different types of handlebars and devices. The mount works perfectly with many sports cameras - no matter what kind of equipment you have, this mount is sure to fit your needs. Quick installation Thanks to the innovative CapLock patent system, the installation and removal process becomes extremely simple and intuitive. No longer do you have to waste precious time on complicated mounting operations. With just a few quick movements, you can attach or remove the device, so you can focus on what matters most - creating memorable shots and recordings. Included: Handlebar mountAdapter for sports cameraScrew1/4 adapterScrewdriver (S3/S4) x2Tube sleeve (6/8/10/12/14mm)User manual ManufacturerPGYTECHModelP-GM-170MaterialAluminum alloy + PA + rubberWeight81 gDimensions90 x 40 x 40 mmCompatibilitySports cameras, smartphones28,96 €
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Gens ace 25C 1400mAh 3S1P 11.1V Airsoft Gun Lipo Battery with mini Tamiya Plug Connector Created to provide optimal power and performance, the Gens ace 25C 1400mAh 3S1P 11.1V Airsoft Gun Lipo Battery with mini Tamiya Plug Connector is designed specifically for airsoft enthusiasts who require a reliable power source for their replica guns. Its compact size makes it ideal for applications where battery space is limited, such as in buffer tube systems or AEG's. It also fits perfectly into LE-type flasks, such as those in M4 models, ensuring not only reliability, but also convenience of use. ManufacturerGens AceModelGEA14003S25TCapacity1400 mAhVoltage11.1VDischarge rate25CConnectorTamiya mini plugDimensions192 x 17 x 14 mmWeight103 gTypeLithium-polymer28,96 €
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Skywalker 2316SL-980kv The Skywalker 2316SL-980kv brushless motor is a powerful drive unit designed for RC models, offering excellent performance and precision. The motor is compatible with LiXX batteries (3-4 cells) for flexibility in power selection. The RPM-per-volt ratio of 980 RPM/V allows for high speeds, and the maximum power of 455 watts for 240 seconds guarantees high performance. A low internal resistance of 53.6 mOhm and an idling current of 1.5 A at 14.8 V attest to high energy efficiency. The maximum peak current of 31 A for 240 seconds enables it to deliver high power during intense moments. The motor has compact dimensions (28.8 mm diameter, 32 mm housing length, 50 mm total length) and a shaft with a diameter of 4 mm, making it easy to install in various models. Its weight of 79 g minimizes the load on the model, and its 14 poles and 20-25° ignition advance angle ensure stable operation. The recommended ESC controller has a current in the range of 30-40 A. For 3S batteries, 10x6" and 11x5.5" propellers are recommended, while for 4S batteries, 9x4.5", 9x6" and 10x5" propellers will work best. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW30415050Power supplyLiXX (3-4 cells)RPM/V980Max power (240 s)455 WInternal resistance53.6 mOhmIdle current (14.8 V)1.5 AMax. peak current (240 s)31 ADiameter28.8 mmHousing length32 mmTotal length50 mmShaft diameter4 mmWeight79 gNumber of poles14Ignition advance angle20-25°Recommended ESC30-40 APropellers (3S)10x6", 11x5.5"Propellers (4S)9x4.5", 9x6", 10x5"30,49 €
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PLATINUM-25A-6S-V4 The PLATINUM-25A-6S-V4 speed controller is an advanced device designed for alternating current (AC) powered aircraft and helicopter models. The regulator offers a constant current of 25A and a maximum peak current of 40A, ensuring stable and efficient power supply under various conditions. Compatible with NiXX (10-18 cells) and LiXX (3-6 cells) batteries, it allows a wide range of power configurations. Equipped with a BEC with adjustable 6-7.4V voltage and 3A current, it provides reliable power for on-board electronics. Compact dimensions (47 mm long, 22 mm wide, 10 mm high) and low weight (27 g) facilitate installation in models with limited space. The PLATINUM-25A-6S-V4 offers unidirectional control, brake function, and programmability, allowing the user to tailor operating parameters to specific needs. The lack of sensor inputs further simplifies the design and operation of the device. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW30204200ApplicationAeroplanes, HelicoptersTypeACConstant current25AMax peak current40ANiXX cells10-18LiXX cells3-6BEC voltage6-7.4VBEC current3ALength47 mmWidth22 mmHeight10 mmWeight27 gControlunidirectionalBrakeYesInputs for sensorsNoProgrammableTak30,49 €
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Zestaw Figurek Afryka Dzikie Zwierzęta Rodzina Lwów Zebry Wspaniale wykonane z najwyższą dbałością o szczegóły figurki, powiększą kolekcję każdego małego kolekcjonera oraz pozwolą na stworzenie własnego safari i domu dla dzikich zwierząt. Afryka jest niezwykle malowniczym kontynentem kryjącym wiele niespodzianek. Każda figurka została starannie odlana z tworzywa i bardzo starannie pomalowana, przez co wiernie oddaje rzeczywisty wygląd zwierzęcia, postaci czy przedmiotu. Figurki zostały wykonane z najwyższej jakości materiałów, z dbałością o szczegóły, wykonane są z twardej gumy. Kolekcjonowanie figurek afrykańskich może stać się piękną pasją i pozwolą poznać wygląd i życie dzikich zwierząt. W zestawie znajduje się 7 figurek przedstawiających lwy i zebry w różnych etapach swojego życia, od najmłodszych do dorosłych zwierząt. Wysokość figurek: - lew: 11 cm x 5 cm x 8,5 cm - lwica: 13 cm x 4 cm x 7 cm - dwa lwiątka: 7 cm x 3 cm x 5 cm - dwie zebry: około 12 cm x 4 cm x 8 cm - jedna mała zebra: 8 cm x 2 cm x 7 cm Wymiary pudełka: 46 cm x 13 cm x 11 cm Zabawki przeznaczone są dla dzieci powyżej 3. roku życia. Figurki posiadają certyfikat CE i są zgodne z normą EN 71. Zapakowane jest w kartonik, dzięki czemu nadaje się idealnie na prezent.31,90 €
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Centralka RX108 24V JS316832,28 €
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Neewer VL67C RGB LED 5W selfie light The Neewer selfie light with Bluetooth module allows you to wirelessly control a single light source or multiple LED lights from the NEEWER app. It also offers smart features such as RGB mode, music synchronization, and 17 lighting effects. In addition, it remembers your last settings, so you can get it ready to work again in no time. Thanks to its lightweight and compact design, you can take it on the go. One lamp - many possibilities The lamp offers 94 LED beads with a total power of 5W, offering brightness of up to 450 lux at 0.5m. You can also choose from 36,000 colors, and the high CRI of 97 ensures accurate color reproduction without flickering. You will successfully use the product for selfie, vlogging, live broadcasting, recording on TikTok/Youtube platforms, etc. The recommended distance of the lamp is 1.5 meters. Easy operation and smart features The Neewer lamp offers precise light adjustment for custom lighting scenes. Adjust the color temperature from 2500K to 8500K in CCT mode, use the built-in GM adjustment for color calibration or HSI mode for fine-tuning hue, brightness and saturation. There are also 17 lighting effects at your disposal, including fireworks, pulsating light or candle flame. In addition, the OLED display and convenient buttons make it easy to operate the device. Up to 110 minutes of operation The Neewer VL67C is equipped with a lithium battery with a voltage of 3.7 volts and a capacity of 2000 mAh, which translates into about 110 minutes of operation at 100% brightness. In turn, charging the lamp will take about 100 minutes. The task will be facilitated by a USB-C port (5V/2A). Enjoy reliable lighting and don't waste time on long charging. Wide compatibility The included cold-shoe mount works with the 1/4" side threads on the rear clip, allowing you to attach the light to your camera, tripod, etc. Meanwhile, the front clip fits phones, tablets or laptops, allowing you to film without blocking the front camera. You can also adjust the position of the light up to 160° on the front and back. ManufacturerNeweerModelVL67CNumber of LED beads94Battery capacity2000 mAh (3.7V)Input voltage5V / 2APower5 W max.Color rendering index CRI97Brightness450 lux (at 0.5 m)Brightness adjustment range0%-100%Color temperature2500 - 8500 KGM range+/- 50Color modeCCT / HSI / FXCharging time100 minOperating time110 minRGB color range0-360°Color saturation range0-100Number of special effects17DisplayOLEDOperating temperature0°C - 40°CStorage temperature-10°C - 50°CHumidity20% - 80%Dimensions7.5 × 10.4 × 1.48 cmWeight108 g35,06 €
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Skywalker 2320SL-860kv The Skywalker 2320SL-860kv brushless motor is an advanced drive unit designed for RC models, offering excellent performance and reliability. Compatibility with LiXX batteries (3-4 cells) allows flexibility in power selection. The motor has a RPM per volt ratio of 860 RPM/V, allowing moderate speeds with high efficiency. Maximum power of 540 watts for 90 seconds guarantees impressive performance during intensive use. A low internal resistance of 48.4 mOhm and an idling current of 1.5 A at 14.8 V attest to high energy efficiency. A maximum peak current of 36 A for 90 seconds enables the motor to deliver high power during moments of maximum load. The motor has compact dimensions (28.8 mm in diameter, 36 mm in case length, 54 mm in total length) and a shaft with a diameter of 4 mm, making it easy to install in various RC models. The weight of 93 g provides adequate stability and durability. The motor has 14 poles, and an ignition advance angle of 20-25° ensures stable and efficient operation. The recommended ESC controller has a current in the range of 30-40 A. For 3S batteries, 12x6" and 13x6.5" propellers are recommended, while for 4S batteries, 10x5", 10x6" and 11x5.5" propellers will work best. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW30415100Power supplyLiXX (3-4 cells)RPM/V860Max. power (90 s)540 WInternal resistance48.4 mOhmIdling current (14.8 V)1.5 AMax. peak current (90 s)36 ADiameter28.8 mmHousing length36 mmTotal length54 mmShaft diameter4 mmWeight93 gNumber of poles14Ignition advance angle20-25°Recommended ESC30-40 APropellers (3S)12x6", 13x6.5"Propellers (4S)10x5", 10x6", 11x5.5"37,60 €
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Skywalker 2320SL-1100kv The Skywalker 2320SL-1100kv is a precision engineered motor ideal for RC modeling applications. With an RPM/V of 1,100 and the ability to be powered by a range of 3 to 4 LiXX cells, it is a highly efficient and versatile solution. With a maximum power output of 563 watts (at 35 seconds of operation) and a low internal resistance of only 33 mOhm, it provides reliability and performance even in harsh conditions. In turn, the maximum peak current of up to 41 A (for 180 seconds) guarantees the necessary power for dynamic maneuvers and fast acceleration. The motor features compact dimensions of 28.8 mm in diameter, 36 mm in length and 54 mm in overall length, making it easy to integrate into a variety of model designs. It weighs just 93 g, which translates into a minimal impact on the total weight of the model. With 14 poles and a timing range of 20 to 25 degrees, it provides accurate control of the rotating mechanism. The recommended propellers (10x5", 10x6", 11x5.5" for 3S and 8x6", 9x4.5" for 4S) are well matched to the engine's performance, ensuring optimal flight performance. The Skywalker 2320SL-1100kv is a reliable choice for modeling enthusiasts who want robustness, performance and precise control in every flight. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW30415101RPM/V1100Power supply3-4 LiXX cellsMaximum power (35 s)563 WInternal resistance33 mOhmIdle current (at 14.8 V)1.8 AMaximum peak current (180 s)41 ADiameter28.8 mmLength36 mmTotal length54 mmShaft diameter4 mmWeight93 gNumber of poles14Timing20-25 degreesRecommended current regulator40-50 ARecommended propellers (3S)10x5", 10x6", 11x5.5"Recommended propellers (4S)8x6", 9x4.5"37,60 €
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Baseus PocketGo Portable Pump (white) The Baseus PocketGo Portable Pump is an extremely versatile 5-in-1 device that not only pumps, but also deflates, has a built-in flashlight and offers a forced draft for easy campfire starting. At just 130 grams, this compact and lightweight accessory is the perfect companion for outings, camping and everyday needs. Fast and efficient pumping With a 48,000 rpm motor and 4,000 Pa pressure, the Baseus PocketGo pump provides an airflow of up to 240 l/min, allowing you to inflate a mattress in about 45 seconds and a flotation wheel in about 80 seconds. In addition, the improved air channel improves heat dissipation, which increases the device's performance and durability. Powerful rechargeable battery The pump is equipped with a 2,000 mAh rechargeable battery, so it can inflate as many as 12 mattresses or 12 swimming wheels on a single charge. To charge the device, use the included USB-A to USB-C cable - it won't take too long. Replacement nozzles included The pump comes with a variety of nozzles, such as, for example, a nozzle for pumping up swimming toys, a nozzle for deflating, as well as a small and large nozzle for mattresses. As a result, the device will work well with a myriad of different items - you will use it in many applications. Practical flashlight and comfortable handle The built-in flashlight provides eye-pleasing illumination, which is extremely useful for night trips and camping. The pump also has a special handle that allows you to hang it, for example, in a tent, which increases the convenience of use. In addition, the lightweight and handy design makes it easy to fit the device in a backpack or bag - its transportation will not cause you any problem. Included PumpNozzle for pumping up swimming toysNozzle for deflatingSmall nozzle for mattressesLarge nozzle for mattressesCharging cable (USB-A to USB-C) ManufacturerBaseusNamePocketGo Pro Series Portable Air PumpModelC11157700221-01ColorWhiteMaterialABS + PCWeightApproximately 130 gInputUSB-C 5 V - 1 AAir flow rate240 l/minBattery capacity2000 mAhPressure4 kPaDimensions58 x 86 mm38,11 €
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QuicRun 3652SL G2 5400Kv - black The QuicRun 3652SL G2 5400Kv brushless motor is a high-performance drive unit designed for RC models, offering impressive power and precise control. The AC-type motor has a RPM per volt ratio of 5400 RPM/V, allowing it to reach very high speeds, ideal for dynamic and demanding models. It is compatible with Li-Po (2-cell) batteries for flexibility in power supply selection, and the idle current of 6.8 A is a testament to its energy efficiency. The motor is equipped with four poles for smoother and more stable operation. Its compact dimensions (36 mm in diameter, 52 mm in case length) and a shaft with a diameter of 3.175 mm and a length of 15 mm make it easy to install in various RC models. The weight of 224 g provides adequate stability and durability. The absence of a Hall sensor and a fixed ignition advance angle of 0° simplify the design, which increases the reliability of the motor and makes it easier to maintain. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW30404402Motor typeACRPM per volt5400 RPM/VCompatibility with rechargeable batteriesLi-Po (2 cells)Idling current6.8 ANumber of poles4Diameter36 mmHousing length52 mmShaft diameter3.175 mmFree shaft length15 mmWeight224 gIgnition advance angle0°Hall sensorNo38,61 €
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Drewniany Zestaw Lekarski - 43 Elementy - Apteczka, Dentysta, Mały Lekarz41,56 €
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PLATINUM-40A-V4 The PLATINUM-40A-V4 speed controller is designed for alternating current (AC) powered aircraft and helicopter models. The regulator offers a constant current of 40A and a maximum peak current of 70A, ensuring a stable and efficient power supply even under the most demanding conditions. Compatible with NiXX (10-12 cells) and LiXX (3-4 cells) batteries, the PLATINUM-40A-V4 allows for a wide range of power configurations. Equipped with a BEC circuit with a regulated voltage of 5-8V and a current of 7A, it provides reliable power for on-board electronics, which is crucial for smooth operation of RC models. Its compact dimensions (48 mm long, 30 mm wide, 15 mm high) and low weight (47 g) make it easy to install in models with limited space. The controller offers unidirectional control, a brake function and programmability, allowing you to adjust the operating parameters to your specific needs. The lack of sensor inputs simplifies the design and operation of the device, making it more reliable and easier to maintain. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW30215001ApplicationAeroplanes, HelicoptersTypeACConstant current40AMax peak current70ANiXX cells10-12LiXX cells3-4BEC voltage5-8VBEC current7ALength48 mmWidth30 mmHeight15 mmWeight47 gControlunidirectionalBrakeYesInputs for sensorsNoProgrammableTak42,18 €
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Skywalker 2320SL-1250kv The Skywalker 2320SL-1250kv is an advanced motor designed for RC model enthusiasts, offering impressive performance and reliability. With a high RPM/V ratio of 1,250 and the ability to be powered by a range of 3 to 4 LiXX cells, it provides dynamic power and efficiency for any flight. The maximum power of 740 watts (at 94 seconds of operation) and the low internal resistance of 28.9 mOhm guarantee not only high performance, but also long-term stable operation. The motor is equipped with high-end components, confirming its ability to handle a maximum peak current of 50 A for 94 seconds, providing the necessary power for advanced flight maneuvers. With compact dimensions of 28.8 mm diameter, 36 mm length and 54 mm overall length, and a weight of 93 g, it is the ideal choice for applications where every gram matters. With 14 poles and precise timing from 20 to 25 degrees, the motor provides full control over propeller operation, which is crucial for flight performance and stability. The recommended propellers (9x4.5", 9x6", 10x6" for 3S and 8x4", 9x4.5" for 4S) are carefully selected to ensure optimal engine performance in a variety of flight conditions. The Skywalker 2320SL-1250kv is a reliable solution for advanced modelers looking for performance, precision and reliability in their projects. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW30415102RPM/V1250Power supply3-4 LiXX cellsMaximum power (94 s)740 WInternal resistance28.9 mOhmIdle current (at 14.8 V)2.3 AMaximum peak current (94 s)50 ADiameter28.8 mmLength36 mmTotal length54 mmShaft diameter4 mmWeight93 gNumber of poles14Timing20-25 degreesRecommended current regulator50-60 ARecommended propellers (3S)9x4.5", 9x6", 10x6"Recommended propellers (4S)8x4", 9x4.5"47,25 €
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Skywalker-80A-UBEC V2 Skywalker-80A-UBEC V2 speed controller is an advanced device designed for alternating current (AC) powered aircraft models. It offers a constant current of 80A and a maximum peak current of 100A, which ensures stable and efficient power supply under various flight conditions. Compatible with LiXX batteries (3-6 cells), the Skywalker-80A-UBEC V2 allows for a wide range of power configurations. Equipped with a 5V, 7A BEC circuit, it provides reliable power for on-board electronics, which is crucial for smooth operation of RC models. Compact dimensions (85 mm long, 36 mm wide, 9 mm high) and low weight (79 g) make it easy to install in models with limited space. The controller offers unidirectional control, brake function and programmability, allowing to adjust the operating parameters to the user's specific needs. The lack of sensor inputs simplifies the design and operation of the device, increasing its reliability and facilitating maintenance. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW80060440ApplicationRC airplanesTypeACConstant current80AMax peak current100ALiXX cells3-6BEC voltage5VBEC current7ALength85 mmWidth36 mmHeight9 mmWeight79 gControlunidirectionalBrakeYesInputs for sensorsNoProgrammableTak47,25 €
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QuicRun 3652SL G2 3250KV - black The QuicRun 3652SL G2 3250KV brushless motor is a high-performance drive unit designed for RC models that require high power and precise control. The AC-type motor features a RPM per volt ratio of 3250 RPM/V, which allows it to reach high speeds with power voltage. It is compatible with Li-Po batteries (2-3 cells), providing flexibility in the choice of power source. An idling current of 4 A contributes to the motor's energy efficiency. The motor has four poles, which translates into smoother and more precise operation. Its compact dimensions (36 mm in diameter, 52 mm in case length) and a shaft with a diameter of 3.175 mm and a length of 15 mm make it easy to install in various RC models. The motor weighs 223 g, providing stability and enough weight for effective operation. Thanks to the absence of a Hall sensor and a fixed ignition advance angle of 0°, the motor's design is simplified, increasing reliability and facilitating maintenance. ManufacturerHobbywingModelHW30404400Motor typeACRPM per volt3250 RPM/VCompatibility with rechargeable batteriesLi-Po (2-3 cells)Idling current4 ANumber of poles4Diameter36 mmHousing length52 mmShaft diameter3.175 mmFree shaft length15 mmWeight223 gIgnition advance angle0°Hall sensorNo48,28 €
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Gens ace G-Tech Soaring 4000mAh 14.8V 30C 4S1P Lipo Battery The Gens ace G-Tech Soaring LiPo battery is designed to power a wide range of RC models, including the 50E, 110E, Habu, Funjet, as well as various multi-rotors like hexacopters and octocopters. It offers a capacity of 4,000 mAh at 14.8V (4S), enabling long-lasting and stable operation even in the most demanding tasks. The 30C discharge current provides adequate power needed to maintain optimal performance in flight or during other applications, and the EC5 connector guarantees a secure connection and wide compatibility. What's more, the 376 g weight and 136 x 42 x 29.5 mm dimensions are optimized to ensure maximum performance without compromising the model's weight and maneuverability. ManufacturerGens aceModelGEA404S30E5GTCapacity4000 mAhVoltage14.8 V / 4SDischarge current30CCharging speed1-3C (recommended)Connector typeEC5Balancer connector typeJST-XHWeight376 gDimensions136 x 42 x 29.5 mmCable length (C/D)65 mm / 150 mm50,81 €
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Gens ace G-Tech 5500mAh 11.1V 3S1P 60C HardCase 15# car battery. Gens ace G-Tech is a high-quality LiPo battery designed for use in RC models. It offers a capacity of 5500mAh and a voltage of 11.1V (3S), which provides the long-lasting and efficient power needed for intense driving. The maximum continuous discharge current of 60C enables rapid response to changing conditions and engine demands, delivering power when it is needed most. The T-plug connector and JST-XHR balancer plug ensure a secure and stable connection, while the 376 g weight and 138.5 x 46.9 x 38.8 mm dimensions are optimized to fit most RC cars. In addition, the rugged HardCase protects the battery pack from impacts and mechanical damage, which is crucial when driving in rough terrain. ManufacturerGens aceModelGEA553S60DGTBattery typeLiPoCapacity5500 mAhVoltage11.1 V / 3SMax continuous discharge current60CConnector typeT-plugBalancer connector typeJST-XHRWeight376 gDimensions138.5 x 46.9 x 38.8 mm56,40 €
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Centralka RX98-1 24V A730-278,31 €
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Gens ace G-Tech 6750mAh 14.8V 60C 4S1P 14# XT90 battery The Gens ace G-Tech LiPo battery will be a reliable choice for RC model enthusiasts such as 1/8 scale vehicles like the 1/8 SLEDGE. With an impressive 6750 mAh capacity and 14.8V (4S) voltage, it will easily provide the energy needed even for long and intense driving. The maximum discharge current of 60C enables a high level of power, which is crucial for maintaining optimal performance in harsh conditions. The XT90 connector provides a secure connection and wide compatibility, while the JST-XHR balancer plug facilitates charge management. The battery weighs 589 grams and measures 138 x 47 x 50 mm, so it fits many RC models while ensuring proper weight distribution for better vehicle stability. ManufacturerGens aceModelGEA67504S60XGTCapacity6750 mAhVoltage14.8 V / 4SDischarge current60CConnector typeXT90Balancer connector typeJST-XHRWeight589 gDimensions138 x 47 x 50 mmCable length (C/D)45 mm / 100 mm84,35 €
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Kosz Do Koszykówki Dla Dzieci Kosz Piłka Ogród Gra w koszykówkę to doskonała zabawa i ruch dla każdego malucha w domu i na świeżym powietrzu przez cały rok. Dzieci uczą się zdrowej rywalizacji sportowej i zachęcają tym samym do aktywności sportowej. W okresie wzrostu najważniejsza, ćwiczy koordynację wzrokowo - ruchową, celność, precyzje, a to wszystko poprzez zabawę. Ruch to zdrowie! Zwiększ kondycję i rozpocznij swoją przygodę z grami zespołowymi. Prezentowany zestaw do gry nadaje się do zabawy na zewnątrz. Podstawa posiada otwór z zamknięciem - do odpowiedniego obciążenia stojaka podczas zabawy. Bez problemu można wlać do środka wodę bądź wsypać piasek, a kosz się nie przewróci. Całość wykonana jest z plastiku, oprócz metalowej rurki do stojaka i okręgu kosza. Gwarantuje trwałość i idealnie sprawdzi się na podwórku. Rozegraj mecz koszykówki ! Zestaw do gry w koszykówkę zawiera: - podstawa - tablica- siatka - kosz - piłka do gry - pompka Wysokość kosza: od 100 cm do 210 cm Wymiary podstawy: średnica 38 cm Wymiary tablicy: 62 cm x 40 cm średnica obręczy: 38 cm Średnica piłki: 18 cm Wymiary opakowania: 63 cm x 50 cm x 18 cm Zestaw odznacza się doskonałym projektem i wykonaniem z użyciem materiałów najwyższej jakości, co sprawia, że z pewnością posłuży Twoim dzieciom przez wiele lat. Zabawka posiada certyfikat bezpieczeństwa CE, zapakowana jest w kartonowe pudełko. Zestaw do gry w koszykówkę przeznaczony jest dla wszystkich, poczynając od dzieci powyżej 6. roku życia.89,09 €
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SkyRC BD380 Discharger & Analyzer The SkyRC BD380 is an advanced discharger and analyzer that combines a range of functions to ensure precise and efficient battery management. This product, developed by SkyRC, is dedicated to professionals and enthusiasts, offering advanced testing and analysis capabilities in a single device. Enhanced discharge functions The BD380 allows precise battery discharge in various modes: CC (direct current): provides constant current flow, which is key for predictable power consumption, ideal for testing battery capacity; CP (constant power): maintains constant power output, which is useful for applications requiring stable power delivery; CR (constant resistance): simulates a constant resistive load, allowing realistic testing of energy storage; CV (constant voltage): maintains a stable voltage level, allowing testing of power supplies under various load conditions. Versatility and convenience The BD380 supports all types of batteries, with DC input voltages ranging from 3-30V, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of applications. In addition, it offers support for smartphones and computers through a smartphone app and PC/MAC software, providing convenient real-time battery management and monitoring. The app allows quick monitoring of battery status, identifying faulty units and exporting discharge curves for further analysis. Efficiency and protection Discharging and charging batteries with high current increases their efficiency, which is crucial in RC racing, enabling drivers to achieve higher power and competitive advantage. The BD380 is equipped with overload, over-current and over-temperature protection, ensuring safe operation for both itself and the connected batteries. This allows the unit to be used in long and intensive test sessions without risk of damage or excessive heat. Advanced cooling To maintain performance even under full load, the BD380 uses heatsink technology from gaming PCs, with high-quality fans and copper tubes to ensure rapid heat dissipation. The fans are thermally controlled, adjusting their speed according to current conditions, ensuring consistent, optimal performance. The system also avoids performance drops, which is key to maintaining testing and analysis accuracy. Modern interface The BD380 has a Web 2.0 style, offering responsive menus and modern icons that are intuitive for users. The interface is available in multiple languages, including English, Dutch, Chinese, French and Japanese, providing convenience for international users. This makes the device friendly to users around the world, allowing them to use all functions in their preferred language. ManufacturerSkyRCModelSK-600153Dimensions159.7 × 110 × 121.6 mmHousing materialPC-ABS V0Weight1100 gDisplay typeTNDisplay size1.77 inchesActive panel area43.20 × 57.60 mmResolution160 × 128 pixelsNumber of colors262 thousand.DC input voltage3-30 VInterfaceXT60Discharge0.3 A - 40.0 ACC mode (direct current)0,3-40 ACR mode (constant resistance)1-100 ΩCP mode (constant power)1-380 WCV mode (constant voltage)max. power 180 W (do not connect the battery in this mode)Operating temperature0-40°CHumidity during operation0-75%Storage temperature-10-70°CStorage humidity0-75%113,83 €
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Gens Ace G-Tech Bashing 11000mAh 14.8V 100C 4S2P LiPo EC5 Battery With a capacity of 11000mAh and a voltage of 14.8V, the Gens Ace G-Tech battery provides users with a long-lasting supply of power. The weight of this battery is 963g, and its dimensions are 178 × 52 × 53mm. The battery is equipped with an EC5 discharge plug, which ensures a safe and stable connection, suitable for handling high discharge currents characteristic of applications with high energy demands. ManufacturerGens AceModelGEA11K4S10E5GTProduct typeSoft Case Lipo Battery Pack-Bashing SeriesCapacity11000mAhVoltage14.8 VWeight963 gDimensions178 × 52 × 53 mmDischarge plugEC5140,25 €
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Tablica led 135x20 2818148,16 €
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Discover a New Quality of Lighting with the Neewer 660 PRO RGB 50W LED Lamp. The Neewer 660 PRO RGB 50W LED lamp isn't just a light - it's a tool that opens up unlimited possibilities for your content creation. With versatile connection options, Elgato Stream Deck compatibility, excellent light quality, wide color range and sleek design, this lamp becomes an indispensable tool for any streaming enthusiast, content creator or lighting professional. Easy and Hassle-Free Connections Our Neewer 660 PRO RGB 50W LED lamp is synonymous with versatility! Whether you prefer to connect via 2.4G, WLAN, Bluetooth or an app, this lamp will meet your needs. Connectivity has made controlling your lighting even more intuitive. Elgato Stream Deck Compatibility - Create in Dozens of Ways! For streaming enthusiasts and content creation professionals, our light is the perfect partner. With Elgato Stream Deck compatibility, you have a wide range of options to customize your settings so your content always looks perfect. Superior Light Quality for Perfect Details With 48 watts of power and 144 LED lamps, our lamp provides unparalleled light quality. With a maximum illumination of 4300 lux/0.5m and a high CRI of 97+, your content will look amazing, reflecting every color and detail in a realistic way. Unlimited Color Possibilities Experience the full range of colors with a full color touch bar. Adjustable color temperature from 2900 K to 7000 K and color correction capabilities allow you to create countless light combinations. Plus, 18 special scene FX effects, including a music sync mode, give you control over the ambience of your content. Elegant Design, Quiet Operation The unique design of the Neewer 660 PRO RGB 50W light not only impresses with its aesthetics, but also ensures efficient operation. The fanless design ensures quiet operation, ideal for content creation in any environment. In addition, the clamp stand with ball head adapter allows flexible mounting of the lamp for maximum convenience. Kit contents Neewer 660 PRO RGB 50W LED lampClamp stand with ball head adapterUSB 2.4G transmitterUser manual Specifications BrandNeewerPart number10102872Power50WNumber of LED lamps144Illumination intensity4300 lux/0,5 mColor temperature2900 K - 7000 KCRI97+Dimensions38 x 23 x 4 cmWeight1.5 kgPackage dimensions59.8 x 36.6 x 6.1 cmPackage weight3.14 kilogramsPoziom odporności na wodęWaterproof152,44 €
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Neewer 660 PRO RGB 50W LED lamp: Modern Video Lighting The 60W Neewer 660 PRO LED lamp provides a wide 120° illumination angle and a maximum brightness of 5000 lux at a distance of 0.5 meters. With a high CRI value of 97+ (TLCI 97+), you will achieve accurate color reproduction. The light-emitting side panel design and built-in diffuser (non-separable) provide softer light than the back-emitting panel, guaranteeing a new experience for gaming, YouTube video blogging, video vlogging, portrait photography and more. Adjustable Hue, Brightness and Color Temperature With hue adjustment from 0° to 360°, brightness from 0% to 100%, the color temperature of this lighting can be adjusted from 2500K (warm white) to 8500K (cold white). The LCD display on the rear panel of the lamp clearly displays the light settings, improving efficiency. 17 Special Scene Effects The lamp offers 17 special lighting effects, including Lightning, Paparazzi, Explosion, Burning Bulb, Welding, Color Temperature Flicker, Color Flicker, Color Temperature Pulsing, Color Pulsing, Police Car, Candlelight, Color Cycling, Color Temperature Cycling, Brightness Cycling, Screen, Fireworks and Party. These scene effects also allow you to adjust brightness, color temperature, frequency and other settings, meeting your photographic needs in different scenes. App Support The lamp allows you to temporarily save 2 groups of light settings, control 1-8 groups of lights, add presets to favorites, and adjust color temperature, brightness, HSI and scene modes using the knobs on the back panel or by downloading the NEEWER app from the App Store or Google Play for easy operation. Compatible with Android 4.3 or iOS 11.1 and later versions. Power and Installation The lamp can be powered in two ways - with a power adapter (included) or two NP-F batteries (not included). A mounting bracket allows for quick tripod mounting, and a carrying bag stores and protects the lamp and accessories for convenience when shooting and recording on the go. Kit contents Neewer 660 PRO RGB 50W LED lampPower adapterMounting bracketTransport bag Power60WIllumination angle120°Maximum brightness5000 lux (at a distance of 0.5m)CRI97+ (TLCI 97+)Shade adjustment0° to 360°Brightness adjustment0% to 100%Color temperature2500K (warm white) to 8500K (cool white)Scene effects17 typesApp supportYes (NEEWER app available for Android 4.3 or iOS 11.1 and later)Power supplyPower adapter (included) or 2 NP-F batteries (not included)Uchwyt montażowy YesTorba transportowa Tak159,55 €
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Neewer 660 PRO RGB 50W LED lamp With 60W of power and 480 LEDs, the lamp (with US plug) provides excellent illumination up to 22 [email protected], with CRI97+ and TLCI98+ ratings. With NEEWER's linear PWM control technology, it exceeds the minimum brightness limitation from 1% slightly bright (brightness and power can reach true 1%) to 100% ultra bright, and a color temperature range of 2500K~8500K and full 360° RGB color range, all for smooth and precise adjustment. Control with Infinity App & Built-in 2.4G Use the NEEWER app configured with Infinity connectivity technology to dynamically adjust the settings of multiple lights simultaneously up to 66'/20m and in up to 8 groups, allowing you to control up to 255 devices simultaneously in the app. Works with NEEWER SL90, RGB1, RGB C80 and RGB CB60 lights, which also have built-in 2.4G and 99 channels, set them to the same channel, making every light within 328'/100m a remote control without the need for a network. 18 Scene Modes and Music Sync Support Updated to 18 scene effects, 17 of them support presets, adding a striking element to your creative videos. The Sync with Music function allows you to synchronize smart lights with music in a colorful, dynamic way based on pitch and volume. Supports Green-Magenta adjustment (GM correction). Constant power without color change or flicker, ideal for high speed shooting at shutter speeds below 1/4000. Powered By DC Input/NP-F Batteries Through the DC input, you can plug the lamp into a wall outlet with the included AC power adapter and get continuous power. The lamp also runs on 1 or 2 NP-F750/970 batteries when shooting in the field. Note: Batteries are not included. Supports over-the-air (OTA) firmware updates, allowing updated firmware to be wirelessly transmitted from your phone to the lamp. AMP Aluminum Case Constructed of aircraft-grade aluminum, the housing is sturdy and provides excellent heat dissipation. Use the U-shaped bracket to adjust the angle of the light by 360°. The wickets can expand or narrow the light source with 4 flaps, and the matte diffuser helps mitigate glare. The light stands are sturdy and offer a height range from 2.85'-6.6'/87-200cm, and a large carrying bag is included. Kit contents Lampa LED Neewer 660 PRO RGB 50WU-shaped holderWicketsMatte diffuserLight standsAC power adapterLarge carrying bag Specifications Power60WNumber of LEDs480Maximum illumination22,[email protected]+TLCI index98+Color temperature range2500K~8500KRGB color rangeFull, 360°Scene modes18Synchronization with musicYesGreen-Magenta adjustmentTakConnectivity systemInfinity App, 2.4GPower supplyDC input, NP-F750/970 batteriesSupported Batteries1 or 2 NP-F750/970Firmware updatesOTAHousing materialAerospace aluminumAngle adjustment360°Height of stands2.85'-6.6'/87-200cmZawartość zestawuFull, see above399,39 €
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