UFESA PF5500 Filter svježeg zraka za pročišćivač zraka

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Ufesa zamjenski HEPA filter za pročišćivač zraka PF5500 Fresh air
Zamjenski HEPA filter za Ufesa pročišćivač zraka PF5500, lagan za instalaciju, s indikatorom za zamjenu i 24-mjesečnom garancijom.19,90 €

Filter za pročišćivač zraka PF5500 UFESA Fresh air
Replacement HEPA filter for the PF5500 air purifier. How do you know when it needs to be replaced? When the device detects that the filter is saturated, the power indicator flashes red. After installing the new filter, press the power button for 7 se19,95 €
Ufesa filter for air purifier PF5500 Fresh air
Replacement HEPA filter for the PF5500 air purifier. How do you know when it needs to be replaced? When the device detects that the filter is saturated, the power indicator flashes red. After installing the new filter, press the power button for 7 seconds to reboot. UFEGA-8620509323,85 €
- Raspoloživo, isporuka odmah u trgovini
- Raspoloživo, isporuka do 2 dana po uplati
- U dolasku, po narudžbi
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