VonShef 2013283 blender

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Mikser za smoothie VONSHEF UltraBlend
- Sports drinks, protein drinks, fresh juices, smoothies; The VonShef UltraBlend blender can help you on your way to a healthier lifestyle - in a quick and convenient way.- The matte black body and sleek design, with the feet sucking on the base, of68,88 €

Vonshef UltraBlend Aparat za Smoothie
Snažan Vonshef UltraBlend aparat za smoothie s motorom od 1000W, brzinom od 25,000 rpm i oštrim noževima od nehrđajućeg čelika. Uključuje 2 čaše bez BPA.74,90 €

Vonshef UltraBlend smoothie mixer
Sports drinks, protein drinks, fresh juices, smoothies; The VonShef UltraBlend blender can help you on your way to a healthier lifestyle - in a quick and convenient way. The matte black body and sleek design, with the feet sucking on the base, offer safety and stability. The powerful 1000W motor combined with a speed of 25,000 rpm and razor-sharp stainless steel blades enables lightning-fast operation. It includes one large (800ml) and one medium cup (500ml) without BPA and one lid that is spill resistant and one lid for closing and sealing. It is not dishwasher safe and we strongly recommend that you wash it by hand. Dimensions: 39.5 x 15 x 15 cm "The product is accompanied by a converter from the UK / EU." Manufacturer's Website: https://www.vonhaus.com/vh_en/1000w-ultrablend-smoothie-maker VONGA-201328389,78 €

Blender VONSHEF, 1000W, 800 ml, za smoothie 2013283
Opis proizvoda Sportska pića, proteinska pića, svježi sokovi, smoothie; VonShef UltraBlend mješalica može vam pomoći na putu do zdravijeg načina života - na brz i prikladan način. Mat crno tijelo i uglađen dizajn, s nogama koje stabiliziraju podnožje, nude sigurnost i stabilnost. Snažni motor od 1000 W u kombinaciji s brzinom od 25 000 okretaja u minuti i oštrice od nehrđajućeg čelika oštre poput britve omogućuje munjevit rad. Sadrži jednu veliku (800 ml) i jednu srednju šalicu (500 ml) bez BPA i jedan poklopac otporan na prolijevanje te jedan poklopac za zatvaranje i brtvljenje. Nije prikladno za pranje u perilici posuđa i toplo preporučujemo da ga operete ručno. Dimenzije: 39,5 x 15 x 15 cm Tehničke informacije Proizvođač VONSHEF Logističke informacije Težina (bruto) 3,50 kg Visina 41,30 cm Širina 32,40 cm Dubina 21,10 cm92,99 €
- Raspoloživo, isporuka odmah u trgovini
- Raspoloživo, isporuka do 2 dana po uplati
- U dolasku, po narudžbi
- Raspoloživost potrebno provjeriti
- Nije raspoloživo
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