Brabantia Komplet za kupaonicu 3 komada, tamno sivi

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Brabantia MINDSET bathroom set mineral grey
Advantages and features Complete - set with soap dispenser, toothbrush holder and storage tray. Enough volume for most refillable soap containers - the soap dispenser fits 250 ml. Keep it dry and clean - a soap dispenser with a large filling opening and a drip-free pump mechanism. Spacious - the bracket can hold multiple toothbrushes and a tube of toothpaste or 2 electric toothbrushes. Organized - a toothbrush holder with a removable divider keeps the contents separate, upright and dry. Multi-task - the tray can be used as a pedestal, soap dish or storage tray. Non-slip, scratch-free - stable tray with non-slip surface. Ideal for damp areas - made of corrosion-resistant materials. Flawless use - 5 year warranty and service. More sustainable choice - 100% recycling after use. BRAGA-28036823,40 €

Brabantia MINDSET set za kupaonicu, mineralno siva
Elegantan Brabantia MINDSET set za kupaonicu u mineralno sivoj boji s dozatorom za sapun, držačem za četkice i poslužavnikom. Izrađen od materijala otpornih na koroziju s 5-godišnjim jamstvom.24,24 €
- Raspoloživo, isporuka odmah u trgovini
- Raspoloživo, isporuka do 2 dana po uplati
- U dolasku, po narudžbi
- Raspoloživost potrebno provjeriti
- Nije raspoloživo
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