Maclean MC-760 Monitor Mount

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Maclean MC-760 monitor mount
Features Distance to the wall (min): 9,6 cm Maximum screen size: 139.7 cm (55") Minimum screen size: 81.3 cm (32") Product colour: Black Housing material: Steel Panel mounting interface: 400 x 400 mm Panel mounting interface: 300 x 200 Maximum weight capacity: 30 kg Product type: Grip Distance to the wall (max): 44,8 cm Panel mounting interface: 300 x 300 mm Panel mounting interface: 100 x 100 mm Panel mounting interface: 200 x 100 Panel mounting interface: 200 x 200 mm Panel mounting interface: 400 x 300 mm Panel mounting interface: 400 x 200 Safety warning Warnings: Do not exceed the maximum user weight recommended by the manufacturer. TVAMCNUCH002928,80 €

Držač za monitor MACLEAN MC-760 (za ekrane do 27 inča, nosivost do 6.5 kg)
29,90 €
- Raspoloživo, isporuka odmah u trgovini
- Raspoloživo, isporuka do 2 dana po uplati
- U dolasku, po narudžbi
- Raspoloživost potrebno provjeriti
- Nije raspoloživo
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