Brabantia kozmetičko ogledalo, bijelo (BRAGA-280726)

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Brabantia ReNew ogledalo s posudom za pohranu u tamno bijeloj boji
Elegantno Brabantia ReNew ogledalo s pomičnom površinom i protukliznom posudom za pohranu, idealno za kupaonice. Otporno na koroziju s 5-godišnjim jamstvom.18,74 €
Brabantia ReNew mirror with storage container dark white
Always perfect angle - the surface of the mirror can be moved up and down and sideways (adjustable by 360 degrees). Anti-slip storage tray - with a silicon base to ensure makeup or jewelry stays in place. It stands stable - a non-slip surface. Ideal for damp areas such as the bathroom - made of corrosion-resistant materials. Ease of use - 5-year warranty and service. Matching the ReNew collection Designed to fit storage containers from the ReNew collection. Manufacturer's website: BRAGA-28072617,55 €
- Raspoloživo, isporuka odmah u trgovini
- Raspoloživo, isporuka do 2 dana po uplati
- U dolasku, po narudžbi
- Raspoloživost potrebno provjeriti
- Nije raspoloživo
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