Intel Xeon Silver 4214 2.2Ghz Socket 3647 procesor
399,95 €
1.040,00 €

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CPU INTEL XEON SILVER 4214 2.2GHZ (3.2GHz turbo) tray, 16.5MB cache, LGA3647, CD8069504212601
Cores 12 (12C) Threads 24 Turbo clock 3.20GHz (Turbo Boost 2.0) Base Clock 2.20GHz TDP 85W Graphic no Plinth Intel 3647 (LGA3647) Chipset suitability C621, C622, C624, C627, C628 Code name Cascade Lake-SP, Platform: Purley Architecture Cascade Lake Manufacturing Intel 14nm++ L2 Cache 12MB (12x 1MB) L3 Cache 16.5MB Memory Controller 6 Channel DDR4, max. 1TB Memory Compatibility DDR4-2400 (PC4-19200, 115.2GB/s) ECC Support yes SMT yes (Intel Hyper-Threading) Remote maintenance yes (Intel vPro) Free Multiplier no CPU Features AES-NI, AVX, AVX-512 (1x FMA), AVX2, DL Boost, EIST, Instruction Set 64bit (Intel 64), MBEC, RDT, Speed Shift, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, TSX-NI, TXT, VMD, VT-d, VT-x, VT-x EPT, XD Bit System suitability 2 Sockets (2S) PCIe lanes 48x PCIe 3.0 Chipset Interface UPI (2 links), 6.9GT/s Scope of delivery without CPU cooler Introduction 2019/Q2 Segment Server Stepping L1, Spec Code: SRFB9 Temperature max. 77°C (Tcase)399,95 €

Intel S3647 XEON SILVER 4214 TRAY 12x2,2 85W
CD8069504212601401,10 €

Intel S3647 XEON SILVER 4214 TRAY 12x2.2 85W
Intel Xeon Silver 4214 processor (17MB cache, up to 3.2 GHz) Intel Xeon 4214, Intel® Xeon Silver, FCLGA3647, 14nm, Intel, 2.2GHz, 64-bit Intel Xeon 4214. Processor family: Intel® Xeon Silver, Processor socket: FCLGA3647, Processor lithography: 14 nm. Memory channels: Hexa-channel, Maximum internal memory supported by processor: 1024 GB, Memory types supported by processor: DDR4-SDRAM. Market segment: Server, Instruction sets supported: SSE4.2, AVX, AVX 2.0, AVX-512, Scalability: 2S. Packing Type: Retail Box Processor Package Size: 76mm x 56.5mm Intel® Turbo Boost Technology Intel® Turbo Boost Technology dynamically increases a processor's frequency as needed by taking advantage of headroom in temperature and performance to provide more speed when needed and more power efficiency when it's not. Intel® vPro™ platform qualification Intel® vPro™ Technology is a collection of security and manageability features built into the processor that address four critical areas in IT security: 1) threat management, including protection against rootkits, viruses and malware, 2) identity protection and website access points, 3) protection of confidential personal and business data, 4) remote and local monitoring, remediation and repair of personal computers and workstations. Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology enables two processing threads per physical core. Applications with many threads can do more work in parallel and complete tasks sooner. Intel® Virtualization Technology (VT-x) With Intel® Virtualization Technology (VT-x), one hardware platform can be used as multiple "virtual" platforms. It offers improved manageability through less downtime and maintaining productivity by moving computing operations to separate partitions. Intel® Directed I/O Virtualization Technology (VT-d) Intel® Directed-I/O Virtualization Technology (VT-d) continues the existing support of virtualization solutions for the IA-32 (VT-x) and systems with Itanium® processors (VT-i) and adds new support for I/O device virtualization. The Intel VT-d can help users improve the security and reliability of systems and the performance of I/O devices in virtualized environments. Intel® VT-x with Extended Page Tables (EPT) Intel® VT-x with Extended Page Tables (EPT), also known as Second Level Address Translation (SLAT), accelerates memory-intensive virtualization applications. Using Extended Page Tables on Intel® Virtualization Technology platforms reduces overall storage and power costs and increases battery life through hardware optimization of page table management. Intel® TSX-NI The Intel® Transactional Synchronization Extensions New Instructions (Intel® TSX-NI) is a set of instructions for multithreaded performance scaling. This technique improves efficiency in parallel operations through improved control of locks in software. Intel® 64 When coupled with the appropriate software, the Intel® 64 architecture enables 64-bit processing on servers, workstations, PCs and mobile platforms.¹ Intel 64 improves performance by allowing the system to address more than 4 GB of virtual and physical memory with this processor expansion . instruction set An instruction set is the set of basic commands and instructions that a microprocessor understands and can execute. The displayed value indicates which Intel instruction set this processor is compatible with. Extensions to the instruction set Instruction set extensions are additional instructions to increase performance when performing the same operations on multiple data objects. These may include SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) and AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions). Number of AVX-512 FMA units Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (AVX-512) are new instruction set extensions that provide ultra-wideband (512-bit) vector operations capabilities with up to 2 FMAs (fused multiply add instructions) to accelerate your most demanding computational tasks. Advanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology The Advanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology is an advanced functionality for the combination of high performance with the lowest possible energy consumption required on mobile devices. Traditional Intel SpeedStep® technology simultaneously switches the voltage and frequency between high and low levels based on processor load. Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology builds on this architecture and leverages design strategies such as separation between voltage and frequency changes, and clock partitioning and recovery. Intel® Speed Shift Technology Intel® Speed Shift Technology uses hardware-controlled P-states to deliver significantly faster response times with transient, short-duration, single-threaded workloads (like web browsing). It also allows the processor to choose the best operating frequency and voltage for optimal performance and energy efficiency. processor Processor family: Intel® Xeon Silver Number of processor cores: 12 Processor socket: FCLGA3647 Processor lithography: 14 nm box: yes Cooler...406,00 €

INTEL Xeon Silver 4214 12x 2.2GHz 16.5MB (Cascade Lake-SP) Socket LGA 3647 BOX
988,00 €
Intel® Xeon Silver 4214 12 x procesor (cpu) u ladici Baza: Intel® 3647 85 W CD8069504212601
Tehnologija Intel® Turbo BoostTehnologija Intel® Turbo Boost dinamički povećava frekvenciju procesora prema potrebi iskorištavanjem prednosti topline i prostora za performanse kako bi se osigurala veća brzina kada je potrebna i veća energetska učinkovitost kada nije.Kvalifikacija za Intel® vPro™ platformuTehnologija Intel® vPro™ zbirka je sigurnosnih i upravljivih značajki ugrađenih u procesor koje se odnose na četiri kritična područja IT sigurnosti: 1) upravljanje prijetnjama, uključujući zaštitu od rootkita, virusa i zlonamjernog softvera, 2) zaštita identiteta i pristupne točke web stranica, 3 ) zaštita osjetljivih osobnih i poslovnih podataka, 4) daljinski i lokalni nadzor, sanacija i popravak osobnih računala i radnih stanica.Intel® Hyper-Threading tehnologijaTehnologija Intel® Hyper-Threading omogućuje dvije niti za obradu po fizičkoj jezgri. Aplikacije s mnogo niti mogu raditi više paralelno i brže dovršiti zadatke.Intel® tehnologija virtualizacije (VT-x)Uz Intel® tehnologiju virtualizacije (VT-x), jedna hardverska platforma može se koristiti kao više ",virtualnih", platformi. Nudi poboljšanu upravljivost kroz manje zastoja i održavanje produktivnosti premještanjem računalnih operacija na zasebne particije.Intel® Directed I/O Virtualization Technology (VT-d)Intel® Directed-I/O Virtualization Technology (VT-d) nastavlja postojeću podršku virtualizacijskih rješenja za IA-32 (VT-x) i sustave s Itanium® procesorima (VT-i) i dodaje novu podršku za I/O virtualizacija uređaja. Intel VT-d može pomoći korisnicima da poboljšaju sigurnost i pouzdanost sustava i performanse I/O uređaja u virtualiziranim okruženjima.Intel® VT-x s proširenim tablicama stranica (EPT)Intel® VT-x s Extended Page Tables (EPT), također poznat kao Second Level Address Translation (SLAT), ubrzava memorijsko intenzivne virtualizacijske aplikacije. Korištenje proširenih tablica stranica na platformama s tehnologijom Intel® Virtualization Technology smanjuje ukupne troškove pohrane i energije te produljuje trajanje baterije kroz hardversku optimizaciju upravljanja tablicom stranica.Intel® TSX-NIIntel® Transactional Synchronization Extensions New Instructions (Intel® TSX-NI) skup je uputa za višenitno skaliranje performansi. Ova tehnika poboljšava učinkovitost u paralelnim operacijama kroz poboljšanu kontrolu zaključavanja u softveru.Intel® 64U kombinaciji s odgovarajućim softverom, Intel® 64 arhitektura omogućuje 64-bitnu obradu na poslužiteljima, radnim stanicama, osobnim računalima i mobilnim platformama.¹ Intel 64 poboljšava performanse dopuštajući sustavu da adresira više od 4 GB virtualne i fizičke memorije s ovim procesorom proširenje .set instrukcijaSkup instrukcija je skup osnovnih naredbi i instrukcija koje mikroprocesor razumije i može izvršiti. Prikazana vrijednost označava s kojim je Intelovim skupom instrukcija ovaj procesor kompatibilan.Proširenja skupa instrukcijaProširenja skupa instrukcija dodatne su instrukcije za povećanje performansi pri izvođenju istih operacija na više podatkovnih objekata. Oni mogu uključivati SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) i AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions).Broj AVX-512 FMA jedinicaIntel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (AVX-512) nova su proširenja skupa instrukcija koja pružaju mogućnosti ultraširokopojasnih (512-bitnih) vektorskih operacija s do 2 FMA (instrukcije ",Fused Multiply Add",) za ubrzavanje vaših najzahtjevnijih računalnih zadataka.Napredna Intel SpeedStep® tehnologijaNapredna Intel SpeedStep® tehnologija je napredna funkcionalnost za kombinaciju visokih performansi s najnižom mogućom potrošnjom energije koja je potrebna na mobilnim uređajima. Tradicionalna Intel SpeedStep® tehnologija istovremeno prebacuje napon i frekvenciju između visoke i niske razine na temelju opterećenja procesora. Poboljšana Intel SpeedStep® tehnologija temelji se na ovoj arhitekturi i koristi strategije dizajna kao što su izolacija između promjena napona i frekvencije te particioniranje i oporavak takta.Tehnologija Intel® Speed ShiftTehnologija Intel® Speed Shift koristi hardverski kontrolirana P-stanja za pružanje znatno bržeg vremena odgovora s prolaznim, kratkotrajnim, jednonitnim radnim opterećenjima (kao što je pregledavanje weba). Također omogućuje procesoru odabir najbolje radne frekvencije i napona za optimalne performanse i energetsku učinkovitost.Ovaj tekst je strojno preveden. CD8069504212601509,00 €
INTEL Xeon Silver 4214 12x 2 2 GHz 16 5 MB Cascade Lake SP Socket LGA 3647 BOX
INTEL Xeon Silver 4214 12x 2 2 GHz 16 5 MB Cascade Lake SP Socket LGA 3647 BOX1.040,00 €
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