Ufesa non-contact digital Infra thermometer IT-200

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Bezkontaktni digitalni infracrveni termometar UFESA IT-200 (nekontaktno mjerenje, digitalni zaslon)
Ufesa non-contact digital Infra thermometer IT-200 The IT-200 thermometer measures the temperature of people and objects without contact and accurately and in a few seconds. Reliability and speed, ideal for home use or high traffic locations.22,89 €

Ufesa IT-200 digitalni infracrveni termometar bez kontakta
Digitalni infracrveni termometar Ufesa IT-200 omogućuje brzo i točno mjerenje temperature bez kontakta, s LCD zaslonom i laganom konstrukcijom.25,95 €

Ufesa non-contact digital Infra thermometer IT-200
Ufesa non-contact digital Infra thermometer IT-200 The IT-200 thermometer measures the temperature of people and objects without contact and accurately and in a few seconds. Reliability and speed, ideal for home use or high traffic locations. UFEGA-6110479029,85 €
- Raspoloživo, isporuka odmah u trgovini
- Raspoloživo, isporuka do 2 dana po uplati
- U dolasku, po narudžbi
- Raspoloživost potrebno provjeriti
- Nije raspoloživo
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