MaxLink holder on mast for MikroTik wAP units MXL-ML-WAP-H

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MaxLink holder on mast for MikroTik wAP units MXL-ML-WAP-H
Maxlink ML-WAP-H, s an improved ability to hold any MikroTik wAP unit on a 20-65mm diameter mast that allows elevation and a more stable hold than the plastic or metal strap. No drilling is required to install the MaxLink bracket on the wAP unit. Više informacija na linku16,87 €
H2 Shop
MaxLink holder on mast for MikroTik wAP units MXL-ML-WAP-H
Maxlink ML-WAP-H, s an improved ability to hold any MikroTik wAP unit on a 20-65mm diameter mast that allows elevation and a more stable hold than the plastic or metal strap. No drilling is required to install the MaxLink bracket on the wAP unit.13,20 €
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