Thrustmaster TS-PC Racer Servo Base

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Thrustmaster TS-PC Racer Servo Base
388,00 €

391,61 €

Baza za volan THRUSTMASTER TS-PC Racer
TS-PC Racer Servo Base je moćna tehnologija, baza za upravljače koja je napravljena s obzirom na performanse Dizajnirana kao središnji element Thrustmasterovog vrhunskog trkaćeg ekosustava za osobna računala (Windows 10), baza TS-PC Racer kompatibilna je399,90 €

Servo baza za volan Thrustmaster TS-PC Racer, EU/UK verzija
Značajke: -Kompatibilan sa svim Thrustmaster dodatnim volanima -Servomotor bez četkica za moćnu, preciznu i brzu povratnu informaciju -Turbo napajanje za impresivni servomotor baze od 40 W -Mješoviti sustav dvostrukog remena i remenice s metalnom osovinom i kugličnim ležajem za super glatke, iznimno tihe utrke -Kompatibilan s Thrustmaster TH8A mjenjačem, kao i TSS Handbrake Sparco Mod i TSS Handbrake Sparco Mod + progresivna ručna kočnica i sekvencijalni mjenjač (prodaju se zasebno) -Magnetska tehnologija H.E.A.R.T za kiruršku preciznost koja se neće smanjiti s vremenom -Kompatibilan s Thrustmaster T-LCM pedalama, T3PM, T3PA i T3PA-PRO setovima pedala (prodaju se zasebno) -Kompatibilan s računalom (Windows 10) O proizvodu: Dizajniran kao središnji element Thrustmasterovog vrhunskog trkaćeg ekosustava za PC (Windows 10), TS-PC Racer Servo Base kompatibilan je sa svim odvojivim dodatnim volanima Thrustmaster marke. TS-PC Racer Servo Base ima Force Feedback sustav koji uključuje 40-vatni servomotor bez četkica s Thrustmasterovim inovativnim ugrađenim MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) sustavom hlađenja, koji omogućuje motoru da zadrži svoju visoku razinu performansi čak i tijekom najdužih virtualnih trkaćih natjecanja. Sa svojim mješovitim sustavom dvostrukog remena i remenice s metalnom osovinom i kugličnim ležajem za glatke performanse, TS-PC Racer Servo Base omogućuje nevjerojatno fluidnu, potpuno osjetljivu i iznimno tihu utrku.409,99 €

THRUSTMASTER TS-PC RACER SERVO BASE EU/UK VERSION - 3362932915799 3362932915799 COL-9345
The TS-PC Racer Servo Base is a powerhouse technology, a base for steering wheels that has been built with performance in mind. Designed as a central element of Thrustmaster's premium racing ecosystem for personal computers (Windows 10), the TS-PC Racer base is compatible with all detachable THRUSTMASTER steering wheels. The TS-PC Racer Servo Base features a Force Feedback system that includes a 40-watt brushless servomotor with Thrustmaster's innovative built-in MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) cooling system, which allows the engine to maintain a high level of performance even in the longest virtual racing races. The TS-PC Racer Servo Base with its mixed dual-belt system and metal ball axle for smooth operation allows for incredibly smooth, fully responsive and extremely quiet racing. Key points: Compatible with all additional Thrustmaster steering wheelsThe brushless servomotor is powerful, precise and provides responsive Force FeedbackTurbo power supply for an impressive 40-watt servo motorMixed double-belt system with metal axle with ball bearings for super smooth and extremely quiet racingCompatible with Thrustmaster TH8A gear as well as TSS Sparco Mod handbrake and TSS Handbrake Sparco Mod + progressive handbrake and sequence gear (sold separately)H.E.A.R.T magnetic technology for surgical precision that will not diminish over timeCompatible with Thrustmaster T-LCM, T3PM, T3PA and T3PA-PRO pedals (sold separately)Compatible with PC (Windows 10)414,00 €

Thrustmaster TS-PC Racer Servo Base
2960864459,80 €
The TS-PC Racer Servo Base is a powerhouse technology, a base for steering wheels that has been built with performance in mind. Designed as a central element of Thrustmaster's premium racing ecosystem for personal computers (Windows 10), the TS-PC Racer base is compatible with all detachable THRUSTMASTER steering wheels. The TS-PC Racer Servo Base features a Force Feedback system that includes a 40-watt brushless servomotor with Thrustmaster's innovative built-in MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) cooling system, which allows the engine to maintain a high level of performance even in the longest virtual racing races. The TS-PC Racer Servo Base with its mixed dual-belt system and metal ball axle for smooth operation allows for incredibly smooth, fully responsive and extremely quiet racing. Key points: Compatible with all additional Thrustmaster steering wheelsThe brushless servomotor is powerful, precise and provides responsive Force FeedbackTurbo power supply for an impressive 40-watt servo motorMixed double-belt system with metal axle with ball bearings for super smooth and extremely quiet racingCompatible with Thrustmaster TH8A gear as well as TSS Sparco Mod handbrake and TSS Handbrake Sparco Mod + progressive handbrake and sequence gear (sold separately)H.E.A.R.T magnetic technology for surgical precision that will not diminish over timeCompatible with Thrustmaster T-LCM, T3PM, T3PA and T3PA-PRO pedals (sold separately)Compatible with PC (Windows 10) CBY-9345426,62 €
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