ATARI THE400 MINI CONSOLE - 4020628603403

Cijena 162,87 €
ATARI THE400 MINI CONSOLE - 4020628603403
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ATARI THE400 MINI CONSOLE - 4020628603403

Welcome back to Atari's 8-bit world of computing! The powerful Atari 400 set new standards in performance with its release in 1979, and was used by gamers and computer enthusiasts for decades to come.Now Retro Games and Atari have partnered to create THE400 Mini. A half-size version of the Atari 400 with a distinctive style that emulates the full 8-bit range of Atari consoles from the 400 to the 800XL and the Atari 5200 home console. Also included is a recreation of the classic Atari CX40 joystick with an additional seven seamlessly integrated function buttons.Play one of 25 built-in games including Lee, Berzerk, Millipede, Miner 2049er, M.U.L.E, Star Raiders II, and save your progress at any time to one of four save locations for each game, or even pause the game and go back to help you beat the hardest parts - a feature that's new to THE400 Mini.The multi-region THE400 Mini features HD picture output via HDMI, and with five USB inputs you can connect additional joysticks or a standard computer keyboard. As with all Retro Games releases, you can freely run any content you own via USB stick and learn to program in BASIC.Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of retro computing, THE400 Mini has something to offer!Box contents:THE400® Mini (keyboard not working/virtual keyboard function enabled),USB-A joystick with 6 buttons (1.8 m),USB-C power cable (1.8 m) (power adapter not included),HDMI cable (1.8 m) CBY-16667
Raspoloživo, isporuka do 2 dana po uplati
162,87 €
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  • Raspoloživo, isporuka do 2 dana po uplati
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