Corsair Vengeance/Vengeance Low Profile CMK192GX5M4B5200C38, DDR5 5200MHz

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CORSAIR RAM Vengeance - 192 GB (4 x 48 GB Kit) - DDR5 5200 DIMM CL38, CMK192GX5M4B5200C38
CMK192GX5M4B5200C38693,30 €

Memorija CORSAIR VENGEANCE (kit, 192 GB: 4 x 48 GB, DDR5 DRAM 5200 MHz C38)
Vengeance Low Profile heat spreaders have a reduced height of 1.03". They're designed for high-performance systems with extra-large CPU coolers, small form factor system builds, or any other space-constrained application where you need high-performan702,05 €

Corsair Vengeance 192GB (4x48GB) DDR5 5200 MHz, Corsair Vengeance CMK192GX5M4B5200C38, 192 GB, 4 x 48 GB, DDR5, 5200 MHz, 288-pin DIMM CMK192GX5M4B5200C38
Corsair Vengeance CMK192GX5M4B5200C38. Komponenta za: PC/osobno računalo, Interna memorija: 192 GB, Raspored memorije (moduli x veličina): 4 x 48 GB, Vrsta interne memorije: DDR5, Radni takt memorije: 5200 MHz, Format memorije: 288-pin DIMM, CAS latencija: 38731,33 €
DDR5 192GB (4x48GB), DDR5 5200, CL38, DIMM 288-pin, Corsair Vengeance CMK192GX5M4B5200C38, 36mj
704,94 €
- Raspoloživo, isporuka odmah u trgovini
- Raspoloživo, isporuka do 2 dana po uplati
- U dolasku, po narudžbi
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- Nije raspoloživo
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