VonHaus Staklenik 193 x 143 x 143 cm (2521022)

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Plastenik VONHAUS (143 x 143 x 195cm)
To protect your vegetables A greenhouse is a tool to protect various vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and other garden plants) from wind and frost. Each of the eight integrated shelves has a maximum permissible load of 8kg. All shelves are also82,65 €

Staklenik VonHaus 143 x 143 x 195 cm
Prostrani staklenik VonHaus s dimenzijama 143 x 143 x 195 cm, osam uklonjivih polica, izdržljivim okvirom i ojačanom folijom. Idealno za zaštitu biljaka tijekom cijele godine.89,90 €

VonHaus Staklenik 193 x 143 x 143 cm (2521022)
MALL DANI – 10 % popusta na odabrane artikle marke VonHaus s promo kodom 25MDH3HR51 (vrijedi od 3. 3. do isteka zaliha ili najkasnije do 16. 3. 2025.)! Staklenik dimenzija 193 × 143 × 143 cm s metalnim cijevima i policama. Složite ga u samo nekoliko minuta.97,94 €

VonHaus greenhouse 143 x 143 x 195cm
To protect your vegetables A greenhouse is a tool to protect various vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and other garden plants) from wind and frost. Each of the eight integrated shelves has a maximum permissible load of 8kg. All shelves are also removable, which comes in handy if you want to grow taller plants like sunflowers or tomatoes. Weather resistant The frame of the greenhouse consists of powder-coated metal pipes that are interconnected by strong plastic. The frame is covered with reinforced foil, and the zippered door can be folded for easy access and adequate ventilation. For additional stability, we recommend placing heavier plants on the floor shelf to ensure that the entire structure is loaded in windy conditions. It can be assembled in just a few minutes. Suitable for use throughout the year. Install and disassemble it without additional tools. Manufacturer's Website: https://www.vonhaus.com/vh_en/deep-walk-in-greenhouse VONDV-2521022107,78 €
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