Thrustmaster TS-XW Servo Base

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Thrustmaster TS-XW Servo Base Force-Feedback-Lenkradbasis
4060199414,40 €

Baza za volan Thrustmaster TS-XW Servo, PC, Xbox
3362934002725 POWERFUL BRUSHLESS SERVOMOTOR The brushless 40-watt servomotor built into the TS-XW Servo Base provides powerful Force Feedback effects and exceptional velocity (dynamic torque). DUAL BELT AND PULLEY SYSTEM This system features an axle mounted on metal ball bearings, for balanced and linear performance thanks to T-LIN technology. The super-smooth, responsive action stays extremely quiet in games, making every session an incredibly lifelike racing experience. BUILT-IN COOLING SYSTEM The built-in MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) cooling system (patent US010441882B2) maintains the new motor’s dynamic performance, without overheating and while remaining silent. TURBO POWER SUPPLY The external Turbo power supply delivers constant power and incredible peak power, instantly responding to ultra-fast requests from games. Its toroidal shape allows for optimized power efficiency of 86% (with just 14% heat generation). DESIGNED FOR THRUSTMASTER ADD-ON WHEELS The TS-XW Servo Base is compatible with all detachable Thrustmaster add-on wheels (sold separately) — for thrilling rally racing with the Sparco R383 Mod, and extreme single-seater sensations with the TM Open Wheel, amongst many others. COMPATIBLE WITH SHIFTERS AND PEDAL SETS The TS-XW Servo Base is fully compatible with all shifters, handbrakes and pedal sets in Thrustmaster’s racing ecosystem (sold separately), including the TH8A shifter and the T-LCM Pedals pedal set. 3362934002725427,49 €

THRUSTMASTER TS-XW SERVO BASE je trkaći volan Force Feedback koji kombinira najnaprednije Thrustmaster tehnologijeTS-XW servo baza ima:Snažan 40-watt servomotor bez četkicaThrustmasterov inovativni MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) sustavVisokoučinkoviti, t449,90 €

466,49 €

THRUSTMASTER TS-XW SERVO BASE - 3362934002725 3362934002725 COL-9603
The THRUSTMASTER TS-XW SERVO BASE is a Force Feedback racing steering wheel that combines the most advanced Thrustmaster technologies.TS-XW Servo Base has:Powerful 40-watt brushless servomotor.Thrustmaster's innovative MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) system.High-performance, quiet internal double-belt system.It features H.E.A.R.T magnetic technology for surgical accuracy and unlimited product life.This product is compatible with XBOX ONE® and PC (Windows® 10) and runs on Xbox® Series X.KEY FUNCTIONS40-WATCH BRUSHLESS SERVOMOTORThe brushless servomotor in the TS-XW servo base provides powerful 40-watt Force Feedback effects and incredible speed (dynamic torque).Built-in engine cooling systemThrustmaster’s innovative MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) system maintains dynamism with the new engine, ensuring no overheating and remaining quiet.MAGNETIC TECHNOLOGYThe H.E.A.R.T (HallEffect AccuRate Technology ™) system provides 16-bit resolution (65,536 values), while the new F.O.C. the algorithm dynamically optimizes the response to intensive torque requirements.OUTDOOR TURBO: CONSTANT POWERThe Turbo Power external power supply provides constant power and a huge maximum power to respond immediately to the extremely fast demands of the game. Toroidal form for optimized energy efficiency 86% (with only 14% heat production).DOUBLE BELT SYSTEMThis metal axle system with ball bearings allows for extremely smooth, smooth, fully responsive and extremely quiet racing.ADJUSTABLE ANGLE ADJUSTABLE FROM 270 ° TO 1080 °Easily adapt to any type of racing game or driving style, for the best possible performance on a challenging racetrack.OTHER FEATURESBuilt-in official Xbox Guide button.Internal memory and upgradeable firmware.Robust and versatile fastening system, compatible with all brackets (tables, cockpits, etc.).Convenient quick-release steering wheel installation / removal system, compatible with all detachable steering wheels * in the Thrustmaster racing ecosystem (* sold separately).COMPATIBILITYCompatible with PC (Windows® 10).Compatible with XBOX® SERIES X and XBOX ONE®.Compatible with the Thrustmaster racing ecosystem: TH8A gearbox *, TSS Sparco Mod handbrake *, various pedal kits * (* sold separately).A list of compatible games can be found on the official website of the manufacturer Thrustmaster.467,10 €

Servo baza Thrustmaster TS-XW PC, XBOX
THRUSTMASTER TS-XW SERVO BASE je trkaći volan Force Feedback koji kombinira najnaprednije Thrustmaster tehnologije. TS-XW servo baza ima: Snažan 40-watt servomotor bez četkica. Thrustmasterov inovativni MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) sustav. Visokoučinkoviti, tihi unutarnji sustav s dvostrukim remenom. Sadrži H.E.A.R.T magnetsku tehnologiju za kiruršku točnost i neograničen vijek trajanja proizvoda. Ovaj proizvod je kompatibilan s XBOX ONE® i PC (Windows® 10) i radi na Xbox® Series X. Ključne funckije: Servomotor bez četkica u TS-XW servo bazi pruža snažne efekte povratne sprege od 40 W i nevjerojatnu brzinu (dinamički moment). Ugrađeni sustav hlađenja motora Thrustmasterov inovativni MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) sustav održava dinamiku s novim motorom, osiguravajući da nema pregrijavanja i da ostane tih. Magnetska tehnologija Sustav H.E.A.R.T (HallEffect AccuRate Technology™) pruža 16-bitnu razlučivost (65.536 vrijednosti), dok novi F.O.C. algoritam dinamički optimizira odgovor na intenzivne zahtjeve zakretnog momenta. Vanjski turbo: konstantna snaga Eksterno napajanje Turbo Power osigurava stalnu snagu i ogromnu maksimalnu snagu da odmah odgovori na iznimno brze zahtjeve igre. Toroidalni oblik za optimiziranu energetsku učinkovitost 86% (sa samo 14% proizvodnje topline). Sustav dvostrukog remena Ovaj sustav metalnih osovina s kugličnim ležajevima omogućuje iznimno glatke, glatke, potpuno osjetljive i iznimno tihe utrke. Podesiv kut od 270°do 1080° Lako se prilagodite bilo kojoj vrsti trkaće igre ili stilu vožnje, za najbolju moguću izvedbu na izazovnoj trkaćoj stazi. Druge značajke Ugrađeni službeni gumb Xbox Guide. Interna memorija i nadogradivi firmware. Robustan i svestran sustav pričvršćivanja, kompatibilan sa svim nosačima (stolovi, kokpit, itd.). Praktičan sustav za ugradnju / uklanjanje upravljača s brzim otpuštanjem, kompatibilan sa svim odvojivim upravljačima * u trkaćem ekosustavu Thrustmaster (* prodaje se zasebno). Kompatibilnost Kompatibilan s računalom (Windows® 10). Kompatibilan s XBOX® SERIES X i XBOX ONE®. Kompatibilan s Thrustmaster trkaćim ekosustavom: TH8A mjenjač *, TSS Sparco Mod ručna kočnica *, razni kompleti pedala * (* prodaju se zasebno). Popis kompatibilnih igara može se pronaći na službenim stranicama proizvođača Thrustmaster.469,00 €
The THRUSTMASTER TS-XW SERVO BASE is a Force Feedback racing steering wheel that combines the most advanced Thrustmaster technologies.TS-XW Servo Base has:Powerful 40-watt brushless servomotor.Thrustmaster's innovative MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) system.High-performance, quiet internal double-belt system.It features H.E.A.R.T magnetic technology for surgical accuracy and unlimited product life.This product is compatible with XBOX ONE® and PC (Windows® 10) and runs on Xbox® Series X.KEY FUNCTIONS40-WATCH BRUSHLESS SERVOMOTORThe brushless servomotor in the TS-XW servo base provides powerful 40-watt Force Feedback effects and incredible speed (dynamic torque).Built-in engine cooling systemThrustmaster’s innovative MCE (Motor Cooling Embedded) system maintains dynamism with the new engine, ensuring no overheating and remaining quiet.MAGNETIC TECHNOLOGYThe H.E.A.R.T (HallEffect AccuRate Technology ™) system provides 16-bit resolution (65,536 values), while the new F.O.C. the algorithm dynamically optimizes the response to intensive torque requirements.OUTDOOR TURBO: CONSTANT POWERThe Turbo Power external power supply provides constant power and a huge maximum power to respond immediately to the extremely fast demands of the game. Toroidal form for optimized energy efficiency 86% (with only 14% heat production).DOUBLE BELT SYSTEMThis metal axle system with ball bearings allows for extremely smooth, smooth, fully responsive and extremely quiet racing.ADJUSTABLE ANGLE ADJUSTABLE FROM 270 ° TO 1080 °Easily adapt to any type of racing game or driving style, for the best possible performance on a challenging racetrack.OTHER FEATURESBuilt-in official Xbox Guide button.Internal memory and upgradeable firmware.Robust and versatile fastening system, compatible with all brackets (tables, cockpits, etc.).Convenient quick-release steering wheel installation / removal system, compatible with all detachable steering wheels * in the Thrustmaster racing ecosystem (* sold separately).COMPATIBILITYCompatible with PC (Windows® 10).Compatible with XBOX® SERIES X and XBOX ONE®.Compatible with the Thrustmaster racing ecosystem: TH8A gearbox *, TSS Sparco Mod handbrake *, various pedal kits * (* sold separately).A list of compatible games can be found on the official website of the manufacturer Thrustmaster. CBY-9603470,20 €
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