Panasonic BQ-CC51E, tipa AA/tipa AAA

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Rechargeable battery charger Ni-MH Panasonic Eneloop BQ-CC51 EKO15,90 €

Uređaj s mogućnošću punjenja 4 AA baterije.19,38 €

Punjač Baterija Panasonic Eneloop EKO BQ-CC51E BQ-CC51E
20,20 €

Panasonic Eneloop BQ CC51
BQ-CC51E20,60 €

Panasonic Eneloop battery charger BQ-CC51E
Panasonic Eneloop battery charger BQ-CC51E ZNAČAJKE: What is eneloop? eneloop is a green new generation of rechargeable batteries, pre-charged, energy and money-saving, recyclable, long-life rechargeable batteries that can be charged and discharged up to 2100 times. Sold in more than 80 countries around the world, and their Japanese design and Japanese production are valued by consumers around the world. Economic benefits Although the initial purchase cost compared to other batteries and rechargeable batteries can be relatively high, this will be compensated by long-term and stable operation over many charge and discharge cycles. The investment in eneloop technology pays for itself after only a few charging cycles, and the long-term profit is very high. Battery with stable voltage level One of the main features of eneloop technology is a stable voltage level. This is one of the reasons why you can, for example, take much more photos with an eneloop battery. Low temperature operation eneloop batteries have excellent performance at 0°C and can be used even at -20°C (operating time will be shorter than at room temperature). Charging easily All chargers that are designed to charge nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries can be used to charge eneloop rechargeable batteries. SPECIFIKACIJE: charger designed to charge NiMH batteries type R6/AA and R03/AAA 2 or 4 R6/AA or R03/AAA batteries can be charged at the same time Input voltage: AC 230V, 50Hz, 5W two LED indicators protective mechanism that turns off the charger after about 16 hours Size (L x W x H): 118 x 75 x 40 mm weight: approx. 230 g new eco-friendly packaging The charger has a protective mechanism that will turn off the charger after about 16 hours from the moment the charger is connected to the power supply. The charger is connected directly to the power outlet without using a cable. The charger has two LEDs. The LEDs light up during charging and go out when the protective mechanism turns off the charger. Example of battery charging time: Eneloop AA 2000 mAh - 10 h Eneloop AAA 800 mAh - 8 h Eneloop Pro AA 2500 mAh - 12 h UKLJUČUJE: Panasonic Eneloop battery charger BQ-CC51E21,10 €

Punjač baterija PANASONIC Eneloop Basic BQCC51E, 4 mjesta za punjenje, bez baterija BQCC51E
Punjač baterija Eneloop Basic BQCC51E, 4 mjesta za punjenje, bez baterija21,99 €
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