Thrustmaster T-GT II gaming volan
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THRUSTMASTER T-3PM WW - 3362934002848 3362934002848 COL-9084
Enhance your racing experience with Thrustmaster's T3PM magnetic pedal kit accessory. Designed for T-Series wheelbase holders, this three-pedal kit allows you to enjoy your favorite racing games with smooth and precise pedal responsiveness. This set of pedals with a weighted base provides stability and up to almost 200 kg of pressure resistance for a realistic driving feel. Thrustmaster H.E.A.R.T. the technology uses integrated magnets for 12-bit resolution accuracy, allowing you to precisely press the pedals. Four different mid-pedal pressure modes allow you to fine-tune braking so you can achieve perfect stopping and braking. Metal pedal heads offer high durability and can be adjusted to different orientations for a unique and comfortable custom feel. You can even mount the pedals on a frame with additional hardware. Compatible with: Thrustmaster T-Series T150Thrustmaster T-Series T248Thrustmaster T-Series TMXThrustmaster T-Series T300RSThrustmaster T-Series TXThrustmaster T-Series T-GTThrustmaster T-Series T-GT IIThrustmaster T-Series TS-PCThrustmaster T-Series TS-XW153,90 €
Baza za volan Thrustmaster T-GT II SV Emea Servo, PC, PS4, PS5
3362934001704 OFFICIALLY LICENSED FOR PLAYSTATION 5 AND GRAN TURISMO Refined and perfected thanks to more than 23,000 hours of intense Research and Development work, T-GT II SERVOBASE has been designed to take the amazing Force Feedback performance of its predecessor (the T-GT) to even greater new heights. With T-GT II SERVOBASE, gamers on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC can enjoy brand-new levels of precision and durability. Officially licensed for both PlayStation 5 and Gran Turismo, the T-GT II SERVOBASE racing wheel provides key advantages and lifelike sensations in GT Sport thanks to groundbreaking technologies including T-LIN, T-DCC, and especially T-DFB (3D perception of Force Feedback effects). T-AEC-Q: DURABILITY In order to ensure the maximum levels of durability and quality over time, T-GT II SERVOBASE features a brand-new electronic design with AEC-Q-certified printed circuit boards, from the real-world automotive industry. The goal behind this reworking of the internal components used in Thrustmaster’s T-GT II SERVOBASE is to meet the needs of the world’s most competitive expert racers who use their racing simulation gear as real work tools — throughout extremely long training sessions, and incredibly intense competitions. T-DCC: PRECISION Drift management is a must for all drivers who need to carefully control their car’s skidding in turns. With this in mind, T-GT II SERVOBASE employs a technology allowing for real-time drift curve calculation (T-DCC), thereby maintaining the responsiveness of both the wheel and the car in the game in all circumstances. This built-in T-DCC feature allows drivers to focus their attention on making very precise movements, in order to always be able to stay one or two steps ahead in terms of their driving. T-RTF: RESPONSIVENESS The Real Time Force feedback (T-RTF) system reduces Force Feedback calculation times, allowing for instant responsiveness. Force Feedback effects are managed by a built-in processor in real time. This means that these effects do not depend on the game itself in order to avoid any hiccups with respect to responsiveness — and the best part is that this holds true for all games, both on consoles and PC. In this way, Thrustmaster’s proprietary T-RTF technology allows users to enjoy gameplay without any dead zones or latency. T-LIN: LINEARITY The Thrustmaster T-GT II Servo Base racing wheel ensures perfectly linear Force Feedback effects: the force felt by the user is 100% proportional to the force determined in the game. Cars’ behavior and track conditions are faithfully reproduced, with a breathtaking level of detail. This allows racers to anticipate and react more efficiently to track conditions, thanks to the information transmitted through the racing wheel. This improves users’ comprehension of their driving, helping them to beat records and win races. T-40VE: VELOCITY The T-GT II SERVOBASE racing wheel’s 40-watt motor stands out for its perfectly linear Force Feedback and incredible velocity (dynamic torque) — from long stall curves to super-responsive S curves. This high-powered motor provides the velocity required to generate remarkably dynamic and powerful effects. Thanks to its velocity, the motor also transmits faster and stronger responses to racers in real time, enhanced by Thrustmaster’s proprietary T-LIN technology. T-TURBO: POWER This external power supply delivers constant power and massive peak power (400 watts) to instantly respond to ultra-fast requests from games — rendered by the T-LIN feature and the T-40VE motor during game phases such as power drifts or multiple chicanes. The power supply’s toroidal shape optimizes efficiency versus heat at 86%, with a finless design. 3362934001704474,99 €
685,34 €
THRUSTMASTER T-GT II PACK GT WHEEL+BASE (T-GT II NO PEDAL) - 3362934112295 3362934112295 COL-9392
The T-GT II racing wheel is a powerhouse of extremely innovative technologies, resulting from a highly in-depth study of all the must-have sensations required for an ultra-realistic car racing experience. Refined and perfected thanks to more than 23,000 hours of intense Research and Development work, T-GT II has been designed to take the amazing Force Feedback performance of its predecessor (the T-GT) to even greater new heights. With T-GT II, gamers on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC can enjoy brand-new levels of precision and durability. Officially licensed for both PlayStation 5 and Gran Turismo, the T-GT II racing wheel provides key advantages and lifelike sensations in GT Sport thanks to groundbreaking technologies including T-LIN, T-DCC, and especially T-DFB (3D perception of Force Feedback effects). Features Leather-wrapped wheel with 25 action buttons, 1 push-button and 4 rotary selectors natively recognized in GT Sport (differential braking, traction control, fuel mapping, torque management)High-velocity, next-generation 40-watt brushless motor for exceptionally responsive Force Feedback with high torque capacityInternal components from the European automotive industry (AEC-Q), for maximum quality and lifespanProprietary technologies: T-AEC-Q, T-DCC, T-RTF, T-LIN, T40-VE, T-DFB, T-F.O.C., T-M.C.E. and T-TURBOProprietary magnetic technology (H.E.A.R.T) for an unlimited lifespan and optimal precisionQuick and easy wheel changing system, allowing for different types of wheels (F1, Rally, etc.) to be used (sold separately)Dual-belt system for smooth gaming sessions without any dead zonesCompatible with Thrustmaster TH8A shifter and TSS Handbrake (sold separately)Officially licensed for PlayStation 5 and Gran Turismo; compatible with PS5, PS4 and PC685,80 €
Volan Thrustmaster T-GT II (GT Wheel + Base), PC, PS4, PS5, crni
T-GT II PACK (GT Wheel + Base): all the major, must-have features of T-GT II — ensuring this racing wheel’s supremacy in the world of eSports, and its uniqueness in GT Sport — for fans who already own a Thrustmaster racing pedal set (T-LCM, T3PM, T3PA or T3PA-PRO). OFFICIALLY LICENSED FOR PLAYSTATION 5 AND GRAN TURISMO Refined and perfected thanks to more than 23,000 hours of intense Research and Development work, T-GT II has been designed to take the amazing Force Feedback performance of its predecessor (the T-GT) to even greater new heights. With T-GT II, gamers on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC can enjoy brand-new levels of precision and durability. Officially licensed for both PlayStation 5 and Gran Turismo, the T-GT II racing wheel provides key advantages and lifelike sensations in GT Sport thanks to groundbreaking technologies including T-LIN, T-DCC, and especially T-DFB (3D perception of Force Feedback effects). T-AEC-Q: DURABILITY In order to ensure the maximum levels of durability and quality over time, T-GT II features a brand-new electronic design with AEC-Q-certified printed circuit boards, from the real-world automotive industry. T-DCC: PRECISION Drift management is a must for all drivers who need to carefully control their car’s skidding in turns. With this in mind, T-GT II employs a technology allowing for real-time drift curve calculation (T-DCC), thereby maintaining the responsiveness of both the wheel and the car in the game in all circumstances. This built-in T-DCC feature allows drivers to focus their attention on making very precise movements, in order to always be able to stay one or two steps ahead in terms of their driving. T-F.O.C.: CONTROL T-F.O.C. algorithm with Hall Effect sensors: Thrustmaster’s patented technology identifies the racing wheel’s position with pinpoint accuracy, and provides unrivaled precision. 3362934112295692,55 €
Volan THRUSTMASTER T-GT II Pack GT Wheel+Base (T-GT II No Pedal)
Trkaći volan T-GT II vrhunski je skup vrlo inovativnih tehnologija, rezultat vrlo dubinskog proučavanja svih senzacija koje trebate imati za ultra-realistično iskustvo utrka automobilaUsavršen nakon više od 23000 sati intenzivnog istraživanja i razvoja,699,90 €
Thrustmaster volan T-GT II EU za PC, PS4 i PS5
Thrustmaster T-GT II volan za PS5, PS4 i PC nudi napredne tehnologije i izdržljivost za vrhunsko iskustvo vožnje.719,99 €
• T-GT II je trkaći volan iznimno inovativnih tehnologija, proizašlih iz vrlo detaljnog proučavanja svih obaveznih senzacija potrebnih za ultra-realistično iskustvo automobilskih utrka.• Rafiniran i usavršen zahvaljujući više od 23.000 sati intenzivnog rada na istraživanju i razvoju, T-GT II je dizajniran da podigne nevjerojatne performanse Force Feedbacka svog prethodnika (T-GT) na još veće nove visine. Uz T-GT II, igrači na PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 i PC mogu uživati u potpuno novim razinama preciznosti i izdržljivosti.• Službeno licenciran za PlayStation 5 i Gran Turismo, trkaći volan T-GT II pruža ključne prednosti i realistične senzacije u GT Sportu zahvaljujući revolucionarnim tehnologijama uključujući T-LIN, T-DCC, a posebno T-DFB (3D percepcija povratne sile učinci).• T-AEC-Q: IZDRŽLJIVOST: Kako bi se osigurala maksimalna razina trajnosti i kvalitete tijekom vremena, T-GT II ima potpuno novi elektronički dizajn s tiskanim pločama s AEC-Q certifikatom iz stvarne automobilske industrije.• T-DCC: PRECISON: Upravljanje zanošenjem neophodno je za sve vozače koji moraju pažljivo kontrolirati proklizavanje automobila u zavojima.• T-RTF: RESPONSIVENESS: Sustav povratne informacije o sili u stvarnom vremenu (T-RTF) smanjuje vrijeme izračuna povratne veze po sili, omogućujući trenutni odziv.• T-LIN: LINEARITY: Trkaći volan Thrustmaster T-GT II osigurava savršeno linearne efekte povratne sile: sila koju osjeća korisnik 100% je proporcionalna sili određenoj u igri. Ponašanje automobila i uvjeti na stazi vjerno su reproducirani, s razinom detalja koja oduzima dah.• T-40VE: VELOCITY: Motor od 40 W T-GT II ističe se svojom savršeno linearnom povratnom silom i nevjerojatnom brzinom (dinamički moment) — od dugih krivulja zastoja do super-odzivnih S krivulja.• T-DFB: DEPTH: Godine suradnje s tvrtkom Polyphony Digital rezultirale su stvaranjem dubinskih senzacija na stupu upravljača.• T-Turbo POWER: Ovo vanjsko napajanje isporučuje stalnu snagu i ogromnu vršnu snagu (400 vata) kako bi trenutačno odgovorilo na ultra-brze zahtjeve iz igara — koje prikazuje T-LIN značajka i T-40VE motor tijekom faza igre kao što su snažni driftovi ili višestruke šikane.• T-M.C.E.: STABILITY: Motor-Cooling-Embedded sustav održava linearnost i dinamiku sa snažnim T-40VE motorom.• T-F.O.C.: CONTROL: T-F.O.C. algoritam sa senzorima Hallovog efekta: Thrustmasterova patentirana tehnologija identificira položaj trkaćeg kotača s vrhunskom točnošću i pruža nenadmašnu preciznost.721,99 €
THRUSTMASTER T-GT II EU RACING WHEEL - 3362934112028 3362934112028 COL-11244
The T-GT II racing wheel is a powerhouse of extremely innovative technologies, resulting from a highly in-depth study of all the must-have sensations required for an ultra-realistic car racing experience.Refined and perfected thanks to more than 23,000 hours of intense Research and Development work, T-GT II has been designed to take the amazing Force Feedback performance of its predecessor (the T-GT) to even greater new heights. With T-GT II, gamers on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC can enjoy brand-new levels of precision and durability.Officially licensed for both PlayStation 5 and Gran Turismo, the T-GT II racing wheel provides key advantages and lifelike sensations in GT Sport thanks to groundbreaking technologies including T-LIN, T-DCC, and especially T-DFB (3D perception of Force Feedback effects).T-AEC-Q: DURABILITYIn order to ensure the maximum levels of durability and quality over time, T-GT II features a brand-new electronic design with AEC-Q-certified printed circuit boards, from the real-world automotive industry.The goal behind this reworking of the internal components used in Thrustmaster’s T-GT II is to meet the needs of the world’s most competitive expert racers who use their racing simulation gear as real work tools — throughout extremely long training sessions, and incredibly intense competitions.T-DCC: PRECISIONDrift management is a must for all drivers who need to carefully control their car’s skidding in turns.With this in mind, T-GT II employs a technology allowing for real-time drift curve calculation (T-DCC), thereby maintaining the responsiveness of both the wheel and the car in the game in all circumstances. This built-in T-DCC feature allows drivers to focus their attention on making very precise movements, in order to always be able to stay one or two steps ahead in terms of their driving.T-RTF: RESPONSIVENESSThe Real Time Force feedback (T-RTF) system reduces Force Feedback calculation times, allowing for instant responsiveness.Force Feedback effects are managed by a built-in processor in real time. This means that these effects do not depend on the game itself in order to avoid any hiccups with respect to responsiveness — and the best part is that this holds true for all games, both on consoles and PC. In this way, Thrustmaster’s proprietary T-RTF technology allows users to enjoy gameplay without any dead zones or latency.T-LIN: LINEARITYThe Thrustmaster T-GT II racing wheel ensures perfectly linear Force Feedback effects: the force felt by the user is 100% proportional to the force determined in the game. Cars’ behavior and track conditions are faithfully reproduced, with a breathtaking level of detail.This allows racers to anticipate and react more efficiently to track conditions, thanks to the information transmitted through the racing wheel. This improves users’ comprehension of their driving, helping them to beat records and win races.T-40VE: VELOCITYThe T-GT II racing wheel’s 40-watt motor stands out for its perfectly linear Force Feedback and incredible velocity (dynamic torque) — from long stall curves to super-responsive S curves.This high-powered motor provides the velocity required to generate remarkably dynamic and powerful effects. Thanks to its velocity, the motor also transmits faster and stronger responses to racers in real time, enhanced by Thrustmaster’s proprietary T-LIN technology.T-DFB: DEPTHYears of collaboration with Polyphony Digital have resulted in the creation of in-depth sensations in the steering column.Combining brushless motors’ refined Force Feedback with this Depth Feedback technology creates a realistic 3D perception of the environment. As a complement to standard Force Feedback, this system improves the driving experience with a new range of effects including tire adherence (grip or slippage) in understeering and oversteering, mass transfers, road textures and irregularities, suspension and other parameters specific to each vehicle and circuit.T-TURBO: POWERThis external power supply delivers constant power and massive peak power (400 watts) to instantly respond to ultra-fast requests from games — rendered by the T-LIN feature and the T-40VE motor during game phases such as power drifts or multiple chicanes.The power supply’s toroidal shape optimizes efficiency versus heat at 86%, with a finless design.T-M.C.E.: STABILITYThe Motor-Cooling-Embedded system maintains linearity and dynamics with the powerful T-40VE motor.Thanks to T-M.C.E. technology, the T-40VE motor manages heat transfer and dissipation more efficiently than ever before. The T-40VE incorporates this cooling system right in the very heart of the motor, in a highly constrained and enclosed environment. This combination ensures constant precision in terms of rendering of T-GT II’s performance and effects throughout even the longest racing sessions, allowing drivers to experience the full complexity of sensations.T-F.O.C.: CONTROLT-F.O.C. algorithm with Hall Effect sensors:...752,40 €
Thrustmaster T-GT II EU Gaming volan PC/PS4/PS5
Thrustmaster T-GT II EU Gaming volan PC/PS4/PS5 SLUŽBENA LICENCA ZA PLAYSTATION 5 I GRAN TURISMO Rafiniran i usavršen zahvaljujući više od 23.000 sati intenzivnog rada na istraživanju i razvoju, T-GT II je dizajniran kako bi podigao nevjerojatne performanse povratne sile svojeg prethodnika (T-GT) na još veće visine. Uz T-GT II, igrači na PlayStation 5, PlayStation […] Thrustmaster T-GT II EU Gaming volan PC/PS4/PS5SLUŽBENA LICENCA ZA PLAYSTATION 5 I GRAN TURISMO Rafiniran i usavršen zahvaljujući više od 23.000 sati intenzivnog rada na istraživanju i razvoju, T-GT II je dizajniran kako bi podigao nevjerojatne performanse povratne sile svojeg prethodnika (T-GT) na još veće visine. Uz T-GT II, igrači na PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 i PC mogu uživati u potpuno novim razinama preciznosti i izdržljivosti.Službeno licenciran za PlayStation 5 i Gran Turismo, trkaći volan T-GT II pruža ključne prednosti i realistične osjećaje u GT Sportu zahvaljujući revolucionarnim tehnologijama uključujući T-LIN, T-DCC, a posebno T-DFB (3D percepcija povratne sile učinci).T-AEC-Q: IZDRŽLJIVOSTKako bi se osigurale maksimalne razine trajnosti i kvalitete tijekom vremena, T-GT II ima potpuno novi elektronički dizajn s tiskanim pločama s AEC-Q certifikatom iz stvarne automobilske industrije.T-RTF: REAKCIJASustav povratne informacije o sili u stvarnom vremenu (T-RTF) smanjuje vrijeme izračuna povratne veze po sili, omogućujući trenutni odziv.T-LIN: LINEARNOSTTrkaći volan Thrustmaster T-GT II osigurava savršeno linearne efekte povratne sile: sila koju osjeća korisnik 100% je proporcionalna sili određenoj u igri. Ponašanje automobila i uvjeti na stazi vjerno su reproducirani, s razinom detalja koja oduzima dah.T-40VE: BRZINAMotor od 40 W trkaćeg kotača T-GT II ističe se svojom savršeno linearnom povratnom silom i nevjerojatnom brzinom (dinamički moment) — od dugih krivulja zastoja do super-odzivnih S krivulja.T-DFB: DUBINAGodine suradnje s tvrtkom Polyphony Digital rezultirale su stvaranjem dubinskih senzacija na stupu upravljača.,00 €
THRUSTMASTER T-GT II korman pedala
Thrustmaster T-GT II nudi jedinstvene nove tehnologije koje omogućuju predviđanje ponašanja automobila na stazi u svim uvjetima. Motor bez četkica s naprednom tehnologijom povratne sile omogućuje realističnu 3D percepciju okoline kroz stup upravljača uz efekte i vibracije ovjesa. Na volanu je ukupno 25 tipki s D-padom, a uz to dobivate i 3 pedale. Thrustmaster T-GT II gamepad je kompatibilan s PS5 i PS4 konzolama i računalom. - Jedinstvena nova tehnologija upravljača Thrustmaster T-GT II omogućuje vam predviđanje ponašanja automobila - Patentirane tehnologije: T-AEC-Q, T-DCC, T-RTF, T-LIN, T40-VE, T-DFB, TF. O.C., TM. C.E. i T-TURBO - Realna 3D percepcija okoline s tehnologijom Force Feedback - Sustav za brzu i jednostavnu promjenu volana koji omogućuje korištenje različitih tipova volana (F1, Rally, itd.) ) (prodaje se zasebno) - Trkaći volan presvučen je mekom i glatkom kožom - Raspon kuta rotacije 270-1080° - Četiri okretna birača s dvanaest položaja - Sustav dva remena za glatku igru bez mrtvih zona - Dvije mini poluge za pristup navigacijskom izborniku - Tri robusne pedale s metalnim krakovima - Papučica kočnice s progresivnim otporom - Ubrzana papučica spojke s podesivom visinom i udaljenosti - Kompatibilan s PS5, PS4 konzolama i računalom - Uključuje set pedala T3PA GT II s 3 pedale; kompatibilan s Thrustmaster T-LCM pedalama (prodaje se zasebno) - Kompatibilan s Thrustmaster TH8A prijenosom i TSS ručnom kočnicom (prodaje se zasebno)759,95 €
Thrustmaster T-GT II set upravljača i pedala za PS5, PS4 i PC
775,08 €
Volan Thrustmaster T-GT II , PC, PS4, PS5, crni
OFFICIALLY LICENSED FOR PLAYSTATION 5 AND GRAN TURISMO Refined and perfected thanks to more than 23,000 hours of intense Research and Development work, T-GT II has been designed to take the amazing Force Feedback performance of its predecessor (the T-GT) to even greater new heights. With T-GT II, gamers on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC can enjoy brand-new levels of precision and durability. Officially licensed for both PlayStation 5 and Gran Turismo, the T-GT II racing wheel provides key advantages and lifelike sensations in GT Sport thanks to groundbreaking technologies including T-LIN, T-DCC, and especially T-DFB (3D perception of Force Feedback effects). T-AEC-Q: DURABILITY In order to ensure the maximum levels of durability and quality over time, T-GT II features a brand-new electronic design with AEC-Q-certified printed circuit boards, from the real-world automotive industry. T-RTF: RESPONSIVENESS The Real Time Force feedback (T-RTF) system reduces Force Feedback calculation times, allowing for instant responsiveness. T-LIN: LINEARITY The Thrustmaster T-GT II racing wheel ensures perfectly linear Force Feedback effects: the force felt by the user is 100% proportional to the force determined in the game. Cars’ behavior and track conditions are faithfully reproduced, with a breathtaking level of detail. T-40VE: VELOCITY The T-GT II racing wheel’s 40-watt motor stands out for its perfectly linear Force Feedback and incredible velocity (dynamic torque) — from long stall curves to super-responsive S curves. T-DFB: DEPTH Years of collaboration with Polyphony Digital have resulted in the creation of in-depth sensations in the steering column. 3362934112028778,05 €
T-GT II trkaći volan je snaga iznimno inovativnih tehnologija, proizašlih iz vrlo detaljnog proučavanja svih obaveznih senzacija potrebnih za ultra-realistično iskustvo automobilskih utrkaRafiniran i usavršen zahvaljujući više od 23000 sati intenzivnog799,90 €
Thrustmaster T-GT II EU, Gaming volan, PC/PS4/PS5
Thrustmaster T-GT II volan
Volan Thrustmaster T-GT II nudi novo iskustvo igranja trkaćih igara zahvaljujući novoj inovativnoj tehnologiji koja nudi iznimno preciznu povratnu informaciju o sili u stvarnom vremenu. Volan se može pohvaliti motorom bez četkica od 40 W, sustavom dvostrukog remena, magnetskom tehnologijom i zamjenjivim kotačem. Kompatibilan je s računalima PS4 i PS5.819,66 €
Thrustmaster T-GT II Servo Base + RIM FF Wheel (PS5/PC)
4160846822,40 €
Thrustmaster T-GT II
4160823891,10 €
The T-GT II racing wheel is a powerhouse of extremely innovative technologies, resulting from a highly in-depth study of all the must-have sensations required for an ultra-realistic car racing experience. Refined and perfected thanks to more than 23,000 hours of intense Research and Development work, T-GT II has been designed to take the amazing Force Feedback performance of its predecessor (the T-GT) to even greater new heights. With T-GT II, gamers on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC can enjoy brand-new levels of precision and durability. Officially licensed for both PlayStation 5 and Gran Turismo, the T-GT II racing wheel provides key advantages and lifelike sensations in GT Sport thanks to groundbreaking technologies including T-LIN, T-DCC, and especially T-DFB (3D perception of Force Feedback effects). Features Leather-wrapped wheel with 25 action buttons, 1 push-button and 4 rotary selectors natively recognized in GT Sport (differential braking, traction control, fuel mapping, torque management)High-velocity, next-generation 40-watt brushless motor for exceptionally responsive Force Feedback with high torque capacityInternal components from the European automotive industry (AEC-Q), for maximum quality and lifespanProprietary technologies: T-AEC-Q, T-DCC, T-RTF, T-LIN, T40-VE, T-DFB, T-F.O.C., T-M.C.E. and T-TURBOProprietary magnetic technology (H.E.A.R.T) for an unlimited lifespan and optimal precisionQuick and easy wheel changing system, allowing for different types of wheels (F1, Rally, etc.) to be used (sold separately)Dual-belt system for smooth gaming sessions without any dead zonesCompatible with Thrustmaster TH8A shifter and TSS Handbrake (sold separately)Officially licensed for PlayStation 5 and Gran Turismo; compatible with PS5, PS4 and PC CBY-9392689,20 €
The T-GT II racing wheel is a powerhouse of extremely innovative technologies, resulting from a highly in-depth study of all the must-have sensations required for an ultra-realistic car racing experience.Refined and perfected thanks to more than 23,000 hours of intense Research and Development work, T-GT II has been designed to take the amazing Force Feedback performance of its predecessor (the T-GT) to even greater new heights. With T-GT II, gamers on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC can enjoy brand-new levels of precision and durability.Officially licensed for both PlayStation 5 and Gran Turismo, the T-GT II racing wheel provides key advantages and lifelike sensations in GT Sport thanks to groundbreaking technologies including T-LIN, T-DCC, and especially T-DFB (3D perception of Force Feedback effects).T-AEC-Q: DURABILITYIn order to ensure the maximum levels of durability and quality over time, T-GT II features a brand-new electronic design with AEC-Q-certified printed circuit boards, from the real-world automotive industry.The goal behind this reworking of the internal components used in Thrustmaster’s T-GT II is to meet the needs of the world’s most competitive expert racers who use their racing simulation gear as real work tools — throughout extremely long training sessions, and incredibly intense competitions.T-DCC: PRECISIONDrift management is a must for all drivers who need to carefully control their car’s skidding in turns.With this in mind, T-GT II employs a technology allowing for real-time drift curve calculation (T-DCC), thereby maintaining the responsiveness of both the wheel and the car in the game in all circumstances. This built-in T-DCC feature allows drivers to focus their attention on making very precise movements, in order to always be able to stay one or two steps ahead in terms of their driving.T-RTF: RESPONSIVENESSThe Real Time Force feedback (T-RTF) system reduces Force Feedback calculation times, allowing for instant responsiveness.Force Feedback effects are managed by a built-in processor in real time. This means that these effects do not depend on the game itself in order to avoid any hiccups with respect to responsiveness — and the best part is that this holds true for all games, both on consoles and PC. In this way, Thrustmaster’s proprietary T-RTF technology allows users to enjoy gameplay without any dead zones or latency.T-LIN: LINEARITYThe Thrustmaster T-GT II racing wheel ensures perfectly linear Force Feedback effects: the force felt by the user is 100% proportional to the force determined in the game. Cars’ behavior and track conditions are faithfully reproduced, with a breathtaking level of detail.This allows racers to anticipate and react more efficiently to track conditions, thanks to the information transmitted through the racing wheel. This improves users’ comprehension of their driving, helping them to beat records and win races.T-40VE: VELOCITYThe T-GT II racing wheel’s 40-watt motor stands out for its perfectly linear Force Feedback and incredible velocity (dynamic torque) — from long stall curves to super-responsive S curves.This high-powered motor provides the velocity required to generate remarkably dynamic and powerful effects. Thanks to its velocity, the motor also transmits faster and stronger responses to racers in real time, enhanced by Thrustmaster’s proprietary T-LIN technology.T-DFB: DEPTHYears of collaboration with Polyphony Digital have resulted in the creation of in-depth sensations in the steering column.Combining brushless motors’ refined Force Feedback with this Depth Feedback technology creates a realistic 3D perception of the environment. As a complement to standard Force Feedback, this system improves the driving experience with a new range of effects including tire adherence (grip or slippage) in understeering and oversteering, mass transfers, road textures and irregularities, suspension and other parameters specific to each vehicle and circuit.T-TURBO: POWERThis external power supply delivers constant power and massive peak power (400 watts) to instantly respond to ultra-fast requests from games — rendered by the T-LIN feature and the T-40VE motor during game phases such as power drifts or multiple chicanes.The power supply’s toroidal shape optimizes efficiency versus heat at 86%, with a finless design.T-M.C.E.: STABILITYThe Motor-Cooling-Embedded system maintains linearity and dynamics with the powerful T-40VE motor.Thanks to T-M.C.E. technology, the T-40VE motor manages heat transfer and dissipation more efficiently than ever before. The T-40VE incorporates this cooling system right in the very heart of the motor, in a highly constrained and enclosed environment. This combination ensures constant precision in terms of rendering of T-GT II’s performance and effects throughout even the longest racing sessions, allowing drivers to experience the full complexity of sensations.T-F.O.C.: CONTROLT-F.O.C. algorithm with Hall Effect sensors:...755,82 €
Thrustmaster T-GT II upravljač USB PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 crna
Trkački upravljač T-GT II prava je snaga koja se sastoji od iznimno inovativnih tehnologija. Rezultat je to vrlo temeljitog proučavanja svih ključnih dojmova koji su bitni za ultrarealistično trkačko iskustvo.T-GT II je dorađen i usavršen u više od 23.000 sati intenzivnog istraživačko-razvojnog rada kako bi zadivljujuću snagu povratne sprege svog prethodnika (T-GT) podigao na još višu razinu. S T-GT II igrači na PlayStationu 5, PlayStationu 4 i računalu mogu uživati u potpuno novoj razini preciznosti i izdržljivosti. Trkaći upravljač T-GT II, službeno licenciran za PlayStation 5 i Gran Turismo, nudi odlučujuće konkurentske prednosti i realna iskustva u vožnji zahvaljujući revolucionarnim tehnologijama kao što su T-LIN, T-DCC i posebno T-DFB (3D percepcija povratne sile efekti) GT Sport.Službeno licenciran za PlayStation 5 i Gran TurismoT-GT II je dorađen i usavršen u više od 23.000 sati intenzivnog istraživačko-razvojnog rada kako bi zadivljujuću snagu povratne sprege svog prethodnika (T-GT) podigao na još višu razinu. S T-GT II igrači na PlayStationu 5, PlayStationu 4 i računalu mogu uživati u potpuno novoj razini preciznosti i izdržljivosti.Trkaći upravljač T-GT II, službeno licenciran za PlayStation 5 i Gran Turismo, nudi odlučujuće konkurentske prednosti i realna iskustva u vožnji zahvaljujući revolucionarnim tehnologijama kao što su T-LIN, T-DCC i posebno T-DFB (3D percepcija povratne sile efekti) GT Sport.Ovaj tekst je strojno preveden. 4160823945,00 €
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